
What can i do for my 16th?

by  |  earlier

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Im from the uk, and want to do summet really cool any 1 help?




  1. x. If there is a festival e.g Vfest or Glastonbury on at the time of your birthday, go there :) You could hire a really posh tent if you wanted to be glamorous, it'd be a laugh.

    x. If you've got some money to spare, hire out your local ice rink and hold an ice disco :) Or if you want to go somewhere with your girl mates have a pamper session- hire a hairdresser and manicurist or if you're really rich go to a spa :)


  2. Hmmm I'm not sure what you could do as your main party but I'll suggest having a big girly sleepover at the end of whatever you do.  

  3. I am going to Spain instead of having a sweet sixteen party!

  4. Go for a spa day with your friends?

  5. Go to the beach and have a party there.

  6. Why not have a BBQ and a garden party? Sometimes the cheapest nights are the best! Or you could hire a limo... probably best not to spend loads of money on it as having an 18th or 21st birthday party would be best since you can drink!!  

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