
What can i do for my 25th birthday. wanted to take a few friends out. Any ideas!!, I'm not a big fan of clubs

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What can i do for my 25th birthday. wanted to take a few friends out. Any ideas!!, I'm not a big fan of clubs




  1. Go to a nice restaurant and maybe a movie? Whatever you do, you will be among friends. Happy 25th, hope you have a great birthday!!

  2. dinner have a couple drinks and then a comedy club.. did it for my sisters 30th.. we had a blast!!

  3. Why not do something interesting?  Try something that may be a little risque but still fun.  An all male review or take a pole dancing course.  You can always go to a sporting event if you like the local teams.  Have a girls night at a local hotel in a posh suite.  

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Drinks and a nice dinner are nice.   Oooh, Vegas for the weekend, if you live nearby.

  5. maybe you could ................  take them out for movies?

  6. Go to a Theme Park!  After, mellow down by going to your favorite hang out for some drinks.  Or your place for beers and tropical drinks (you can purchase the drinks pre-mixed).  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

  7. go for a walk threw borugh market, there are lots of things to eat and things to see, some times you get street preformers.

    also if you can, try to go to grewnich for the day, this time of year they have a wonderful carnival. its a nice place to see, a lovely pub there to hang it.

  8. old fashion, yet grown-up co-ed slumber parties are always fun!

  9. movie theaters, bowling alley,roller skating/ice skating,summerfest state fair,chuck e cheese ( adults have fun there too hey) hang out  at a fast food and order cake there then throw them at the birthday girl/boy i did it to my friend and we had a blast!! Then after your fun adventure, stay up late and have a sleep over and watch movies!! Have fun and happy birthday to you!! :)!!

  10. you could do what they did on s*x and the city,  rent g*y p**n and make fun of it.  lol   joking!!    just a night with friends is fun in itself no matter what you do.

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