
What can i do for my Neice/child?

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Ok so here's the bad story that happend

My sister Allie Was killed in a car crash 4 weeks ago And my brother in law (my sister's husband) was killed fighting in the war against iraq 1 year ago. so my sisters daughter was at day care when the police went to see her at the daycare and told her that her mother had died in a car crash but before the police went totalk to her they came to my house and informed me and my husband so we offerd to take care of her and to be her parents and so then 2 weeks ago we adopted her. the thing is i'm pregnat with twins a boy and a girl due on July 17th and i wanted an idea to give a present to my duaghter/neice because of going through the loss of her mother and her father any ideas oh yea her name is now Madilyn Grace Blanchard

Please help from the sister/mother/aunt of a wonderful child

P.S she is five yrs old




  1. My first thought was a charm bracelet with things on it that she

    would think of her parents, but maybe a locket with their picture

    in it, maybe her picture as a baby with her mother holding her.

    Also she must have lost her mom at a very young age let her know that she can ask you anything about her to help her to know who she was and make her feel close to her lost parents.

    And god bless you and your family, and your new ones too.

  2. I'm so sorry for yourloss and hers!  I would try to look into Big Sister (sibling) classes at the hospital you plan to be giving birth at.  This helped a LOT with the whole anxiety issue of it, as my daughter was able to see the hospital where I would be, see where the new baby would go (they bring you on a tour to see the nursery thru the window and even held up a couple of babies!) they showed how to feed a bottle and how to diaper and answered a whole lot of questions so well for her and she got this button to wear that says "I'm a prepared big sister" that she still wears sometimes (and her little brother is 20mo old now! LOL) it was so great to see her so proud and happy.  In your niece/daughter's case the class could also help because she will get to see where you will be and know you can hang up pictures of her and by her by your bed and all that.  Since you will be away from her for a couple of days at least she might have some issues with that after having lost both parents when they were away from her.  Much reassurance will be needed and maybe even phone calls and pictures, etc while you're there.  Books on becomming a big sister and having a new baby in the house would be great too, the sooner the better!  

    Oh! and we got our daughter the dvd Big Sister Dora, and the book that goes with it too - just to let you know Dora has twins a little sister and little brother, too!  They have a Dora doll that comes with her little sister ad little brother that she can carry around... that would be awesome as a present too! :)

    Good luck and congrats!

  3. I would get her something personalised. Perhaps a cup with her name on it and the meaning

  4. I'm so very sorry for the loss you all have suffered!  I wish I could say more to comfort you all but have no words of wisdom.  If it was me in you situation I would probably go out and buy a necklace and for her and have something special engraved in it.... a great idea is a locket with a picture of her parents and an engraving on the other side.  And the day you present it to her make it a special day just for her..... take her to her favorite place make her favorite dinner, let her know you are there for her and nothing is going to change that ever!!!  Good luck, you are a very special person indeed and your daughter/neice is very lucky to have you in her life!


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