
What can i do for my kitty?

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today i rescued a tiny kitten from a barn. it is so shy and scared and when i let it out it freaks out and runs all over the place in search of a place to hide. it scratches when you pick it up. its really little and about 9 weeks. what can i do to get it to calm down and get comfortable with me without it freaking out and being scared?




  1. You have to realize that kitty is feral and may never come around to be a good house cat. The kitten may have never had human contact before and it could be too late. If you really want to try, don't keep picking him up or forcing yourself on him. Just take good care of him, give him treats and toys, and maybe he will come to trust you.  

  2. Feed him give the cat reasons to trust you.

  3. It just needs a little while to settle in hun

    have you got it something to play with

    or somewhere snuggly to sleep

    Kittens are pretty lively and jumpy sometimes anyway

    it will defiantely settle in don't worry :)


  4. First of all, take it to the vet to make sure she is healthy. As for getting her used to you, don't push it. Keep her indoors and remain calm and quiet when near her. If you don't try to pick her up or pet her if she is uncomfortable with that, she will get more secure and affectionate with time. Just let her adjust on her own terms; she has probably had a stressfull life.

  5. Spend as much time with it as you can and take it slow and easy, talk softly to it, and give it a few treats to build up its confidence. Don't try to grab the kitten and hold it, this will just cause it to be more irritated and reclusive. You might also want to put a box with a soft blanket in it for the kitten to curl up in, kind of a safe haven. It will take time to tame such a shy kitten, but it will be worth it.  

  6. First of all, put him/her in a closed QUIET room, let them get comfy there.  Keep food and water in there, but bring in little treats (a piece of tuna, or a little 1/2 teaspoon of wet food).  Then gradually increase the space the kitten has.  Think about if you've never been anywhere, and someone drops you into a slew of mass confusion in a'd be scared and anxious too.  Be patient.  A great magazine is "Cat Fancy" - they can help with lots of problems with thier articles.

  7. Give  them  wet  food.

  8. the best thing you could ever do for a kitty is pet it!

  9. It will eventually, it was taken from an environment that it was used to , to an unknown environment. Once you start to feed it, it should start trusting you. Hold the kitten and try petting it and talking to it. Kittens when they are picked up, if not picked up comfortably or correctly seem to think they might fall; try picking it up by putting one hand under front paws and the other under the back paws and holding the paws and scooping the kitten up close and then petting it . Also try letting the kitten come to you, by sitting on the ground. You might see it come around and scope you out or even smell you. Kittens that young don't like sudden movements either, they are easily scared. You can also pick the kitten up with youtr thumb and forefinger by grabbing the skin on the back of its neck, as that is how the momma cat carries her kittens. It will curl up along with its tail, kind of like in a  trance. It won't hurt it.  

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