
What can i do for my mom?

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ok so my mom has diabetes ever since i was born and i've not been much help for her...ever and i never really made her happy and now i want to do something really really really nice! what should i do to make her feel gratified and loved?






  1. You don't have to spend money on her for her to love you.  She already does or you would not be here.  But to make her smile like I think you are going for, spend time with her doing what she likes.  Even if it is watching some movie that she loves and you actually despise it.  Pop some pop corn and watch it with her.  Or maybe spend a day out window shopping, you don't have to buy anything.  I used to enjoy a day out with my grandmother just trying on different accessories like hats and scarfs.  You get to talk to each other and know what each other likes and dislikes.  Time together is a much loved thing for moms.

  2. if you have the money take her to a spa and pay for her to have a nice relaxing massage. if you dont have much money then you and your mom could always go get a manicure or pedicure and the you could take her out for a nice lunch or dinner.  

  3. well you could book a whole day for her on her bday that's what my best friends mum had. first get a limousine and then book a whole day at the spa for her then take her 2 there hairdressers and then give her a nails and pedicure job as well as a hair do.

    get her some new clothes and have a surprise party waiting for her at home she will go crazy. make sure u tell her how much u love her that's the most important part

  4. Why don't YOU make a special day just for her ..... think of the things she likes, can do, can eat ..... then think of some of the things out of these things YOU can do .... then make up a day when you do ALL of the things you've thought of for that day - just for her ..... Parents are funny people - you may have heard of the saying 'It's not the money - it's the thought that counts....' - for your mum it wouldn't matter that whatever you did for your mum wasn't expensive, nor if you didn't take her anywhere because you couldn't afford it .... it would matter the most that whatever you did was PERSONAL - from you to her ..... that's what would make her happy ...... and I can't tell you how good you would feel too......

  5. I am a young mother. If I were her I would love some help around the house. You don't need money and trust me every mother loves help with the house.  

  6. 1. make your mom proud of you !!!

    2. spend a day to do something fun with your mom !!

  7. Buy here little gifts that say how much you love can buy them from pharmacies.

    and do any jobs that she wants help weeding the garden, mowing the lawn, etc.

    But probably the best thing to do is respect her and try not to get into arguments.  

    That is the best gift any Mum can have.

  8. give her a "cute smile"...make her feel that she's not alone & you r always with her in every difficult situations..and i think that can make your mom feel proud about u and love you.

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