
What can i do for my son's first birthday?

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my son will be one in october. he has a feeding tub so getting him a cake is out. what else can i do for him




  1. Most first birthdays are for the parents' because baby is just not that inthere. Enjoy your family's interest, take lots of photos, and don't get upset if he just wants to go to sleep or scream the house down.  

  2. (\__/)


    (") (")




  3. I agree; the kid won't even know what going on... Rather put the money you would have spent into an account for him... Start parties at two / three...

  4. buy something that you always wished you could have had!

  5. Have some family and friends over so he can enjoy the company on his birthday. He won't remember anything so it doesn't really matter if you have a theme!

    My daughter loves music and she will be one in September, so play some music for him and dance.

    Buy him a couple new toys.

    Bummer about the feeding tube... my daughter had one her first 3 months. It makes everything so much harder.

  6. my friend had rented a pony and did rides in their backyard... i think its a good idea

  7. Well if he has a feeding tube then I am assuming that he is NPO in that case he wont be use to putting food in his mouth so you could still have a cake for him and let him much around in it!! This is two things that I am doing for my sons first birthday (in Oct as well) I am getting him a book (which I will do every year for his b-day) and I am going to have everyone that attends his party to write him a small message in it (an idea I got form Y!answers) and I am also going to get him a fish tank and have asked all the really important people in his life to buy him a decoration (cave rock boat etc) to put in it, so that way when he is older he will have something from his 1st b-day and from everyone that loves him alot.

  8. Invite over some close friends and family and offer cake and drinks. You don't need games for a young baby, but maybe a couple for older kids. Invite over some kids your child's age and have a "toy swap"... everyone brings one toy to share, and that way everyone gets to play with new toys for a little while!  

  9. have a party with games and friends  

  10. Smear icing on his face... take some photo's he won't know the difference... serious!

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