
What can i do for study?i want to study but i can't. please help!!!?

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What can i do for study?i want to study but i can't. please help!!!?




  1. What type of you can't? Is it laziness or financial?

    For laziness, start reading your books and make some additional researches about it. You should concentrate more at Science, English and Math as they are the core subjects.

    For Financial, I would suggest that you work very hard and if possible, be a working student and take the night class if you want to.

  2. Need to concentrate. Make use of meditation and visualisation technique. Use book " Creative Visualisation" by Shakti Gawain. That might help you...

  3. you haven't said where you are or what you want to study

  4. well first, turn off your computer

    than open your notes/book and study

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