
What can i do i am upset about twilight?

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I dont know what to do i feel so upset with out Twilight i mean i have been reading other books but none are good enough so i need help something like twilight dosnt need to be vampires but i would like it to be forbiddin love and mystical creatures or something/




  1. OME i feel exactly the same way too!!! and now midnight sun might not be published just TEARS my heart out!!!! i've read other books too but nothing will ever be as good as Twilight....all we can do is wait till the movie comes out...after that i don't know what i'm gonna do with myself!! i'm not ME without Twilight!!!! hang in there! i'm with you!!!

  2. i do know another series about vampires called The House Of Night Novel Series by P.C Cast and Kristin Cast they are amazing books, maybe not as good as twilight but still amazingly good! speaks of forbidden love, mystical creatures, highschool, and evil people! awesome story! im on the 3rd book and there are 4!

  3. Oh gosh! I feel the same way! There is absolutely nothing to match up to the Twilight saga. I've been reading and reading. There is nothing. The best I can find is... ugh... Harry Potter. But if I find a better book than that I'll let you know. But don't hold your breath.  

  4. Try the vampire diaries, I can't remember who they're by, but they're pretty good. They're about a spoiledpopularr high school girl who is being fought over by two vampire brothers, but one brother, the one who really loves her,doesn'tt know his brother is in town, or after elena. The thing is,Stefann loves elena because she looks like kathrine, the vampire he killed a while back, and his brother knows that, and that's why he wants to get her before his brother, so he can hurt his brother with her.  I think you'd like them

    also, there is the vampire kisses series. I can't remember totally what they're about, but they start with a mysterious family moving in to a abandoned house, and a girl is drawn to them. I know, lame description, but I seriously can't remember anything else.  

  5. You don't read much do you?...  

  6. just re-read Twilight. Before i knew about Twilight i read the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. There are no vampires/werewolves or anything, but the books are awesome. read them.

  7. The Mediator series by Meg Cabot

    It has ghosts.

  8. I feel the same way...

    Here is a book.....

    it is about vampires but its nothing like twilight

    "Marked - house of night"

    its really good and it will give you a relief of vampire cravings and mystical love.

    Lol, and you may already have but if you want to read the first 264 pages of Midnight Sun (An unfinnished book by stephenie meyer , it twilight but from EDWARDS point of view! its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    here it is on her website:

    scroll down a little to the entry that says august 28th 2008 (part ll) and in that entry it will explain where to read it, its great!

    hope i helped( :

  9. Read A great and terrible beauty by Libba bray then there is rebels angels which is in the same series then the sweet far thing is the third one this is an amazing series. and if u love stephanie myer read the host its amazing

    also i have read city of bones and city of ashes by Clarissa Clare i think then city of glass comes out in march 09

    right now i am reading nobody's princess its good so far anyway

    or if u really cant find anything else read twilight again the movie is coming out soon so it will be good to refresh your memory anyway :)

    i also really enjoyed reading the luxe and rumors not sure who its by tho sorry

  10. I just read answerer number one and my mouth dropped to the floor.

    Nothing better than Twilight????!!!!! Obviously you don't read much. What about the classics? Three Musketeers? Pride and Prejudice? 1984? Queen Margot? Sense and Sensibility? The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood? The Scarlet Letter? The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Les Miserables?

    and more!

    What have you been reading. Twilight isn't about vampires let me tell you. About sparkling fairies more like. Now I love the books, and it is fiction so she can make stuff up I guess, but it is very annoying when people can't tell the difference between the original vampire folklore and meyerpires.

    LIke I said, I love the books. Read some of the suggested above, or read these with magic and mystical creatures.

    The Palace of Laughter

    A Great and Terrible Beauty

    Trickster's Choice/Trickster's Queen

    Any book by Tamora Pierce

    You will love! Trust me!

  11. I know me too!! Nothing is good enough! idk try The Host by Stephenie Meyer...and i use to read vampire books but now with Twilight, those books make me mad b/c they don't sparkle and arnt vegetarians and omg the list goes on ans on and

    EDIT Mediator series by Meg Cabot is pretty good!!

  12. Wuthering Heights. There are no mythical creatures but it's definitely a doomed love story. Along with Like Water for Chocolate (very very forbidden love).  

  13. Try the Libba Bray series about Gemma Doyle.  It consists of A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, and The Sweet Far Thing.  I LOVED this trilogy!  There's forbidden love, betrayal, friendship, mythical worlds/creatures, and it's full of action and adventure!  I read them before Twilight, so I don't know if you'll find them as entertaining.  But I would read them again even after Twilight.  They're really good.

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