
What can i do? =/ i cant stand it!!!..HELP ME!?

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okei,this is probably the ONLY time i will admit this..

but,i absolutely hate EVERYthing about me,i cant stand the way i look!,i think im fat,and im not!..and i feel so disgusting!,and i think im ugly,but idk..i know im pretty,but i dont feel pretty!!..idkkkk >.<*,and so now,i have an eating disorder,and im not really tht close to my mom so,i havnt told her about it..

and,now 1 of my very good friends is mad at me, and i know she has alot shes got to deal with also.

i really want to like how i am,but i dont! >.<*

but idk..i dont want to tell my mom this,idk what she would do.

i really dont know what i am supposed to always sad,and there is alot going on over here with my family and some issues with tht,and sick relatives and stuff,and its hella stressful

i always feel nervous,even when i have nothing to be nervous about and i always just want to bust out and cry =/

and my friend (the one who is mad at me/goin thru some stuff as well) was some1 who i thought would understand and try and atleast make me feel better..but she is mad at now,i feel like no1 cares,even tho i kno ppl do care

im afraid to tell ppl about how i dont eat and stuff nd idk...what should i do..i know the answer seems soooo obvious,but,its not and i really want some help

im 15 if it matters any




  1. It sounds like you have body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder is when you see you self as ugly even though your are not. Not eating for a couple of days is called purging which is a eating disorder. You should go see a doctor before this gets anymore serious, you can die from eating disorders.

  2. If you&#039;re telling us that you think you;re ugly but you really know you;re pretty, than you do know your pretty. I dont think you have an eating disorder. I think you are just really stressed out and you want some attention. Seriously, just try to go with the flowwww and be happy (:

  3. Everyone thinks theyre fat and ugly sometimes. Theyre just having a bad day.

    Im sure your friend and you will make up and if not just avoid her and completely get rid of any memories of her you have in your house (pics, gifts, phone numbers, etc.) so you won&#039;t dwell on your past friendship and get sad about it all the time.

    Everyone has hard patches in their family. Im sure in a few weeks it will all be back to normal. Talk to your family about anything your feeling emotionally because of your sick relatives.

    Crying is good. One time i had THE cruddiest day at high school and i came home and just sat there and then I asked my mom &quot;Do you mind if i cry?&quot; haha. It made me feel a lot better to just let it all out. Crying releases all the pent up stress.

    Dont worry everyones nervous about things sometimes. Just stay confident and try to ignore it.

    Are you sure you have an eating disorder?

    Are you anorexic or bulimic?

    If you just dont eat a lot like lets say you only eat some oatmeal for breakfast and a sandwhich for dinner and drink some soda or water throughout the day you are NOT anorexic. You just dont eat a lot.

    Anorexia is when you pretty much eat nothing. Like you get up and dont drink anything except water all day and you count calories obsessively and you eat things like a few pieces of veggies or fruit.

    Bullimia is when you throw up the food you eat.

    If your just dieting intensely then just tell your mom that you feel kinda bad about your body lately and you wanna talk to her about it. This would probably make you feel better about yourself and prevent intense dieting.

    If you really have an eating disorder talk to your mom now. trust me.

  4. alot oof teenagers go threw this kinda stuff trust me ive already been there

    all the emotions r just ur hormones actin up cause ur gettin older

    an eatin disorder is no way to go its just dangorous

    really at this time in ur life u need a strong support system so u should make up with ur friend and talk top ur mom(it will help u 2 become closer) but they will really help u threw it ue friends and family r the best people in the world to help u feel better

    look in the mirror and just keep tellin urself that u r a beautiful girl and stop judgin urself pick out the good things like hey my hair looks really good or i look hot today and believe every word of it but stop pickin out all the imperfections because im sure that ur the only one who can see them im sure u r a beautiful person and u just need to tell ur self that more and talk to ur mom and friends and they will give u better advice then anyone here can give u

    good luck :) &lt;333

  5. i&#039;m so sorry, it sounds like you&#039;re really having a dreadful time and need some help! do you have a therapist? if not, you should definitely get one. i have one and practically everyone does. i think your friend is &quot;mad&quot; at you because she&#039;s scared. she&#039;s not giving you the right reaction or being helpful and there for you, which is what you need. so you probably feel really alone. you put all your trust in someone and made yourself really vulnerable and she is being the opposite of helpful. i&#039;m sorry. i really really really think that you should talk to your mom. i know it&#039;s scary, but it&#039;s the only way things can get better. and  i know you want things to get better. hang in there! if you talk to your mom, everything will start getting better, i PROMISE. and tell her you want a therapist!!!!!!!!! (unless you already have one). that is CRUCIAL, really!!

  6. idk talk to your school counselor or somethng

  7. wow u sounded like me when i was 12. i lost a friend and got farther from my mom doing that c**p.... good luck.!

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