
What can i do? i dont want to be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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me and my bf want to have s*x but I'm afraid i get pregnant, is a condom enough to be safe from pregnancy or no? i know it can break but i want to know if that's enought




  1. no s*x as simple as that.. get another boyfriend

  2. you need to see a doctor so you can get birth control. use with condoms and you have a 99% chance of not getting pregnant. nothing is 100% the only to not get pregnant or contract an std is to not have s*x.

    try planned parenthood. they may be able to give you more answers

  3. dont schools teach s*x ed anymore????

    use birth control AND a condom  thats the safest way

  4. You need to use, more than a condom.

  5. No don't do it and if you don''t want the baby ask the doctor to remove it for you but is not good to do it please do not have it and don't remove it please

  6. if you do not know enough to be comfortable about avoiding pregnancy go to you family planning clinic and talk it throough. there are lots of different contraceptives and it is best to choose the right one for you after considering your health, age etc.

    good luck and make it fun NOT a big worry

  7. Go on the pill.

    And then use a condom (properly).

  8. Sounds like you need some INFORMATION so you can make an informed choice.

    You want to have s*x but don't know much about it - and there's more than just pregnancy and contraception to consider.  There's HIV, STD's, there's emotional issues - it's a big step.

    Before you jump into something you might end up regretting, see a doctor, nurse or sexual health clinic and get some proper information about your body, s*x, pregnancy, contraception, diseases, and all the other risks and responsibilities that go with being sexually active.

    Both of you should get a blood test so you know where you stand from an STD/HIV point.

    Then and only then can you be in a strong position to be fully in control of what you are about to embark on.

  9. hi, if only using a condom there are chance's you are going to fall pregnant. now most of the time your safe but there is that chance you will. its horrible i know cause you use protection to prevent this from happening. all you can do is try the pill and use a condom, that way your safe both careful tho, even the pill there is a 1% chance you can fall pregnant. good luck and your a smart young girl.

  10. no its not try taking birth control and both of you use condoms  

  11. If you don't wanna take the pill condom + emergency coat hanger works wonders.

  12. you should get on birth control

  13. IF you absolutely can't wait to have s*x until your ready to become a parent...because birth control methods do failed.... I'd suggest Pill for you, Condom for him, and some extra spermicide.... that way hopefully one method will work for you! Just remember every time s*x is present.... you can get pregnant, there is always that chance.

  14. along with using a condom I would try and get birth control. Maybe try your local clinic.

  15. You have 2 choices 1st choice don't have s*x and the 2nd choice is use the contraceptive pill as well as a condom that way you won't fall pregnant and you won't contract some kind of disease.If you go on the pill make sure you read the instructions very carefully just bc ur on the pill doesnt mean you can have unprotected s*x and wont fall pregnant bc u can if u just start takin the pill.You have to take the pill every day at the same time and dont skip any as well as use a condom at all times.

  16. You are aware that there are worse things than getting pregnant don't you ?

    Like if you did get pregnant there are choices ( or not according so some...) but whatever you decide if you get pregnant ... YOU don't stay pregnant for life ....

    BUT you could get a sexually transmitted disease that you can not get rid of... that could in the long term take your life....

    So while it is good you want to be careful .. maybe a trip to your doctor would be a good idea .. (FOR BOTH OF YOU) .. get tested for sexually transmitted diseases ,, THEN worry about how NOT to get pregnant .....many will say NOT having s*x is the best way . .and they are correct BUT let's face it .. It isn't want you or your B/F want...

  17. The only way not to get pregnant is not to have s*x.  If you don't know that, you shouldn't be having s*x.  

  18. Birth control & a condom will do! just becarful & remember if you want to do adult things then you'll have to deal with adult situations...but whatever you do deal with them wisely!

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