
What can i do i dont wont to give it up?

by  |  earlier

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the other day me and my boyfriend were ridding in the car -n- he started talking about me being pregnet and he told me he wonted me to give it up cuz he dont think he can talk care of the baby and i told him no! i would not ever do that it wrong then he said give it up of addopesion and i still said no cuz you never know when a parent will beat a kid and i dont wont my kid going throw that! what do i do????????????????????????help??????????...





    Start there.

  2. keep the kid. you should only get rid of it if you know that you will not be able to show love and care for it.

  3. Listen to what he has to say, you don't have to do what he wants but he's probably totally freaked. If you get all baby mama drama now it's just gonna scare him away. You guys need to help each other :)

  4. Keep the kid and get rid of the boyfriend.

  5. Talk to a counselor or anyone you can that knows anything about the subject, I gave my baby up for adoption and I'm happy now but spent the next 10 years of my life regretting my decision after I gave him up, he just doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and you should be really careful not to put too much hope or trust in him, he might not stick around

  6. Its not a descion that is down to him. If you dont want to then thats that! Your the woman who is carrying this baby, and if you know that realistically, you can provide for your child then tell him to GET LOST.

    I think you may benefit from some kind of counciling to vent your problems. If you have any family you can confide in then do so.

    But its not his choice to make so stick to your guns.

    good luck

  7. trust me, DONT DO IT! i let someone influence my decision and i regret it more than anything in the world. i'm now in the process of trying to get my baby back. it was the worst mistake i've ever made. if he doesnt want to be in your childs life, oh well. youre much better off without him.

    but like i said, you dont want to do anything that youre gonna regret for the rest of your life. and trust me, if you give your baby up, you WILL regret it for the rest of your life.

  8. What did your parents advise when you discussed this with them?


    I agree wholelottacats !!!

  10. It's not just up to him... PERIOD.

    If you don't know with all your heart that adoption is right for you, then it's not right for you.

  11. If you don't want to put your baby up for adoption you shouldn't if he thinks he can't look after the child you look after your child, he might come round when the baby is born, but if not become a single mother like so many other women have.

    once you put your child up for adoption there is no turning back!

  12. This is your decision!  He cannot force you to place the baby for adoption.  If you aren't one hundred percent convinced that adoption is the right thing for YOU and YOUR BABY, then adoption isn't right for you!

    If you want to parent this child, I recommend you start looking at all of the resources out there to assist you.    Sad to say, but you should also look at the resources with the idea in mind that you will be parenting this child without much assistance from the baby's father.  Maybe he will be there to help, but it's better to plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    Good luck.

  13. You answered your own question...  don't place your child into another family through adoption if you don't want to.


  15. Honey, dont let your boyfriend bully you. If he told you to go kill your child, would you have done it?

    The only time he has a say in the adoption is if he DOSNT want it to happen, then he has a claim to the child.

    Just tell him that you cant do it, your keeping your baby, and you hope he will grow up and be the daddy that your baby deserves.

  16. he might warm up to it, or you might be doing it on your own. Personally I dont think its fair of him at all. But you have to respect his honesty if nothing else. If you want the baby and are having the baby then you need to let him know that you are not going to consider anything but having the baby,and that if he truely hasnt any interest in it then you'd like to give it some time and see if he changes his mind and if not then amicably fiure out whats next. G'luck! You never know he may just be scared and still getting used to the idea. Try to be understanding and express the fact that you would love to raise the baby together and that you think he'd be a great dad. He might just need a little breather or some reasurance. But the good thing is that he is speaking honestly with you. I hope it works out for you hun.It is the best life altering experience ive ever had to become a mom. Just stay strong,and try not to stress.

  17. I thought you lost it?

  18. Its your body, your choice.  Its your baby too, not just his.  You have the choice of keeping the baby.  Your boyfriend oviously does not want the responsibility and therefore prffers that you give the baby for adoptions, he just wants to wash his hands and not worry about the baby at all.  

    You keep your baby, its your choice and nobody can do anything about that.  Its your baby and you can keep the baby even if other people don't like.

    Good luck with your baby.

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