
What can i do if a police man is giving out my son's record too other people..............?

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please help me i need too do something about this as soon as possible i know who the person is the one tha'ts getting my son's records i mean i think thats illegal please help me can i call a police or do i need too go somewhere....?


(serious answers only)




  1. Law Enforcement are allowed to share information among other law enforcement agencies.  There is nothing illegal about that.

    Now, if a police officer is giving out your son's criminal history to anyone on the street for no reason, then that is different.  Officers are restricted with the amount of information specifically about a person or crime, unless it directly affects that person.  Meaning, your son commits a crime, the victim of the crime has a right to know your son did it.  Prior bad acts are not to be discussed.  I assume that your son is minor and another parent is gathering information on him.  Again, same rules apply for adults as minors.

    Just about all police reports are public record and can obtained by anyone.  Information is edited to protect people that are not directly involved as well.  Getting your son's record will be difficult if he is minor since juvenile law prohibits access to records.  

    As far as a specific police officer going out and 'handing out copies' of your son's criminal record, I would contact the agency he works for and notifiy his supervisor.  Keep in mind, you will need to provide proof that his record has been released.

  2. I would start with the Police Department's Internal Affairs Division.  They are charged with ensuring that the members of the Department follow the rules and the Law.

    If you don't get resolution there, you might try the State Police.  They generally have jurisdiction over the local departments.  

    And there is always the Federal level (probably the FBI), but hold that as a last resort.

    I do suggest you consult legal council, too.  

  3. Erik, What I would do is go to the department where the officer works and speak with the Chief or who ever the boss is and tell them what's going on. I'd go as far as having the officer there in the office when you tell his boss what he is doing. Then let him explain it !  I'm sure this will stop the problem and posible cost him his job. Just remember this, don't go in there with a hot head. This will only cause you more problems. Set down with a level head on your shoulders, be polite and state the facts.  Good Luck Erik ! As an officer myself, I would be concerned also if it was my son. Officers are not suppose to do that.

  4. Talk to a lawyer, don't talk to a policeman, they protect their own.

  5. You didn't say how old your son is. If he's a minor, the officer is clearly violating the law. Misconduct charges against a sworn peace officer are investigated and prosecuted by your state's Attorney General's Office.

    If your son is not a minor, his record (as an adult) is a matter of public record and the officer can tell anyone he wants.



  6. Could you elaborate?  Who is he giving the records to.  If its other law enforcement officials then its O.K.  

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