
What can i do if i HATE! salads?

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No matter what i do i can't eat a salad. I've tried numerous times, but they just dont seem to be for me. i know it has everything to do with the dressing but i don't really know of any good ones. I'm not a huge fan of ranch and i love things to be a little sweeter... can u help?




  1. try honey mustard for dressing. it's relatively sweet,

  2. just put things that u like in i like shrimp, ill make the shrimp fried or baked or whatever and put like oranges or something in it to make it look and taste telling u ...try it

  3. Well, how about picking a salad apart to determine what you "do" like.  Do you like cucumbers? tomatoes? carrots? radishes? Salad is just a name. Create your own using only what you like. Use a caesar dressing, italian, or thousand island as a dip.  Experiment at home. Pile on some bacon bits, sunflower seeds, and croutons!  Gradually start ordering salads your way at restaurants. ***Always order the dressing on the side, so you control how much to use, and how to use; as a dip for the veggies, or a little on top.  Sometimes just a little fresh squeezed lemon juice works.  Be crazy...and creative.  Give it a try.  Enjoy!!!

  4. Don't order one!

  5. try usind vinnigerets they tend to be sweeter also put stuff on theam like different kinds of nuts and stuff like that on it a salead i really enjoy is lettuce strawberrys almonds and a poppyseed dressing.

  6. if u dont like them,dont eat them. salads can be very UNHEALTHY because ppl try to make them with lots of: cheese,bacon and dressings.if u make it like that theres no point n even eating one.  

  7. Catalina is usually a sweeter dressing. French is also very good! It's my personal favorite.

    Maybe also you like non-creamy types. Have you tried more oily types like Italian, oil and vinegar, etc

  8. Try just eating different kinds of vegetables, cooked in different ways. You don't have to get your veggies just in a salad.

  9. No, sorry, in fact I like sour/salty/no taste foods. I used to hate salads too but one day I tried one and now I love them! What you hate now may be what you love later and vice versa.

  10. that ok say i do not want it  

  11. WOW! I love salads!! All kinds!! My favorite is ceasar salad! Give that one a try.

  12. Just don't eat salad.  Pretty simple.

  13. I used to really hate salads, too. Now I eat them sometimes.

    It's NOT all about the dressing.

    It starts with what's in the salad. Is it just a bowl of iceberg lettuce? Boring. Is it a bunch of vegetable you don't really like? Choose veggies you prefer.

    Why do you want to eat salads anyway, if you don't like them?

    You don't HAVE TO eat salads; you just need to get some veggies and fruits in every day. Eat cooked veggies in stir-fries, or curries or pizzas. Eat cole slaw or carrot-pineapple salad. Eat fresh fruit.

    Dressing is what makes a salad fattening. If you're going to eat salad to stay slim, you have to skip the dressing or eat diet dressing or use just a bit of it. Personally, I prefer grated cheese to dressing - lots of cheese, and I'm fine.

    You can add fruit to a salad, you know. Baby spinach leaves with red onions and grape tomatoes and raspberries or tangerine slices and bacon bits and chopped hard-boiled eggs - yummmm. Taco salads. Curried chicken salads with grapes...

  14. Try Italian dressing. Maybe that's more your thing. Start off with a little lettuce, iceberg to start, even though its not the healthiest. Then move on to adding more veggies. I love Italian dressing.

  15. Then don't eat salads.

  16. I am right there with you on salads.. I hate them. I want to like them.. they look good.. but I hate them. If I have to order one I get Cesaer Salad with Ranch Dressing...Extra Dressing.. I know you are probably saying, "How the heck can you get Cesaer Salad with Ranch?" Well Cesaer leaves are the dark green ones.. I hate the Cesaer Dressing so I always order the darker leaves with Ranch. I think it goes down better.

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