
What can i do if my daughter is getting picked on for reaching puberty early?

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my daughter is only in elementary school and had already reached puberty. she is being teased for being more physically developed than the other children. she feels very uncomfortable and embarrassed about her changing body. in a recent incident, a naughty boy touched her breast. in another incident, another boy drew a rude picture of her, wrote a cruel nickname on it, and passed it around. she always come home in tears and sometimes refuse to go to school. i really don`t like the way those children are behaving. a girl going through puberty is difficult enough without anyone making it any harder. she has now developed a bad habit of slouching, which i think is because she wants to hide her b*****s, which she thinks is very ugly. she also thinks there is something wrong with her.




  1. I remember being picked on for having 'big b*****s' when nobody else did, this was at about 11 years of age.  It hurt me at the time but the thing is that everyone else will soon catch up and then it won't be so bad for her. I would have a quiet word with the school to make sure that she's doesn't get bullied but tbh there's not too much you can do. It happened to me more than 15 years ago and I'm sure it will be happening in 15 years time to girls that are more developed than others, it's just kids being kids. Teach her to be proud of who she is and that's it.

  2. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do stop the actual teasing.   You can talk to the school and see about having the kids punished, but that's a temporary fix. All kids get teased - if it's not one thing, it's another.  What you can do is teach her to be comfortable with herself.

  3. I'am shocked that a boy touched her breast. I would make sure that he would get punished that is sexual harrassment and is not allowed anywhere. I would go straight to the  principal and explain the situation to him/her. I would do it very privately and possibly not tell my daughter about it so she would not be upset or bothered or even worried for that matter. I would ask the principal if he could possibly have an assembly addressing the issue. I have an 11 year old son that is also going through the same thing. We have him home schooled not for that reason but I just wanted to suggest it for the time being. If it is not possible then something has to be done because situations like these could have sometime of effect on her confidence. Look I know all children get teased hey I have been through and dealt with it as Im sure many of people on here has but sometimes there are children who take it harder then others.She needs to know that she is a perfect little girl and that what she is going through is normal and everyone on the face of the earth will go through the same thing. Tell her to keep her chin up and dont give people the power to effect her emotions. She will only feel down if she lets them . Tell her she is lucky that she is going through this now better sooner then later. You cant do too much about other children teasing your baby but you sure can do alot to make sure your daughter is secure enough so she can make it through this tough time. I always tell my son how beautiful he is not only on the outside but most importantly on the inside and as long as he loves himself, we love him, God loves him and his family then that is the most important thing and that is really what is going to help him get through his days, through his life, so what other people say does not really matter because they are not important. God bless you and your family.

  4. Yes there is something you can do about it. call the principal now. If a boy had touched my daughters breast in elementary school I would have been in that office first thing the next morning. He is sexually harassing her and both of these kids need to be turned in period! Also our school has a counselor that can help in these situations. I know for a fact our principal would take these matters very seriously. Do not let it go or she may think it is ok for boys to treat her this way. Let her wear baggy shirts if it bugs her too much chances are if these are girls they are simply jealous. Let her know in a year or two they will all be in puberty. But honestly get a hold of the school, this is not acceptable in my opinion.

  5. Have you approached the school about this? That is your first step. They will put things in place to help with this

  6. talk to the teacher/principal at the school and also talk to your daughter and try your hardest to convince her that puberty is normal. does she have an older sister to talk to? or a friend with an older sister? it might help to have a variety of people that will for the boys at school well maybe the teachers can keep an extra eye on them and settle it with their parents. good luck

  7. Build her confidence about it. The reality is that the other kids are uncomfortable and curious, they're just showing it through adverse means. If she popularizes her maturity, she'll go far.

  8. Have her study martial arts

  9. I hate to say it but there isn't anything you can do. Everyone gets teased as a child, students are cruel. It's just their way of feeling "cool."  They think if they tease someone that it makes them better than everyone else. They don't realize how much they are hurting someone. You have to sit her done and let her know that no matter what shape or size she is that she is beautiful inside and out, and to ignore what others have to say. She can't let them get to her.

  10. tell the school about the touching b***s thing and every thing else and transfer her to another school

  11. me as a almost 13 year old i am a size d-40 and i started when i 8 so i had trouble but you need to tell you daughter that its ok that everyone develops at different ages and people that start at a young age is some what bless i think of it and i used to get teased and my school counselor said that i had to stop wearing push up bras but i had to tell her that i wasn't wearing one and so she understood my blessing  

  12. tell her shes lucky tht she doesnt have to be flat and periodless when shes older lol  

  13. I'm so sorry for your daughter.  I don't know her or her personality very well, but I can't imagine the stress she must be going through.  I would be tempted to pull her out of school for a year or two and home school her until the other kids caught up physically.  It's hard enough dealing with the body changes and hormones without being singled out on a daily basis.

    Normally I would say that this would be a great opportunity to teach your child how to cope with other kids being negative, but if it went on for too long and not much was changing, I would begin to worry about long-term affects on her self esteem rather than a short-term issue.

    Also, I would speak to the teacher and ask her how she handles this in class.  That may help you determine if it is being handled properly by those in authority or not and help you decide your next action.

  14. Dont let her look in GQ magizene or on internet.

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