
What can i do if my husband run away from me?

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my husband and me was not happy with each other since we had one daughter he don't care with me , he never look after baby after that i decide to divorce with him then he get angry and run away from me so what can i do ?




  1. Basically the only thing you can do is get child support. If he doesn't pay then he could be arrested as a "dead beat dad"

  2. dont care bout him................u hav a long life to live....if ur good...u will find sumone better...good day

  3. try to do s*x with him every second :) :)

  4. well you could tell him you love him ....if that true's hard for men too when they first realize they have more than one to think of .telling him you were divorcing him didn't help did it.....if you really want him go find him

  5. Take him to court and rinse him out or u could just hire a mafia hit man u r in Italy arent u that shudnt be too hard, just read a Danielle Steele book, Y do u unstable people have kids?its not fair on them,

  6. Go back to mother and wait a year. If you and he still want a divorce, go ahead.

    Good luck.

  7. Try to restart your life , you dont need the loser and the coward trust me .

  8. Let him run, then when he realises that he was a dummy ,

    tell him to keep on going . Just worry about the children,

    and you deserve a man who will srtand by you  do you remrember For Better Or Worse, well good luck

    Don;t be a dope there are men who can love you and your children So try to takl it over as its not easy when you have kids involved , however, where is he running to or with? Give it a last chance , then just set the limits on what you will take Be strong

    Good Luck But don't stick out a marriage for the baby, he will be the loser when he loses a family for anger

  9. Space.... thats all u both need to realise what u need for future. Stay away for some time.. then may be you can decide if you want to stay together or apart. And if, God forbid, you have to separate..part in a nice way so that your child doesnt suffer later on. Divorce is the worst thing to happen to a baby... please think before u act.

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