
What can i do if one of my classmates always asks me personal questions?

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this girl in my class keeps asking me personal questions. shes always asking stuff like how much my parents make, what they work as, am i low income or upper class, how many bedrooms i have...etc. it really bugs the h**l out of me. i dont want to be rude and ignore her or anything. so far, i just pretend to miss hear her and answer a different question than she really asked. every time i see her she asks those kinds of questions. what can i say to her? my mom told me to ignore her, or ask why she is asking me that, but i dont want to sound rude. what can i say next time?




  1. try to make excuses when she asks you... or better yet tell her if you guyz can talk about something else and not you!

  2. tell her to mind her own business in a nice way. tell her your not comfortable with her asking personal questions because it's kind of weird.

  3. You can look her right in the eye and tell her very nicely that the questions she is asking are of a personal nature and you don't feel comfortable answering them. If she continues to ask you those questions, just look at her, smile and say, "Thank you so much for asking that question!" Then ignore her and go back to what you were doing.  

  4. tell her hey thats a [erosnal question im not gonna answer

    add some humor into it if u want so it will seem less rude, and either way smile whiel u say it

    shell see ur not being rude, justnot gonna asnwer her

  5. The next time she ask you those tell her that you don't like answering those personal questions and to please stop. Hope this helped.

  6. Tell her that those questions are personal. She's the one that's being rude by asking you them, so telling her off in a polite way would not be wrong. If you can't really avoid her you should try changing the subject to what kind of music  you both like..something like that.

  7. Say "i Dont know" eventually she'll get the hint! Ask her why she wants to know - Itwon't seem rude if you ask that! if she says something back tell her your pretty sure your parents wouldnt want her knowing all that stuff!.... If you can find a nice way to say it you should tell her that its rude to ask questions like that!

    Does she do this to anyone else? sounds like she thinks shes a little superior!! (and I she has a personality like this she definately isnt lol)

  8. Friend, i too have come across a similar situation like this. What i did is that, I ignored her to the extent that she was never hurt. Whenever she asks me a question, i blankly say "Who asks u so stupid questions like this and i'm sure these are not yours?". She replies all at once "Yes, my idiotic cousin poses questions to me like this always." ..

    Better u ask her a question that she couldn't answer. Else tell her "U r still young."...

    If u think u dont want to hurt or ignore her, call her close, sit together, tell her "Ur question annoy me. I'm irritated of ur questions. I'm sorry to tell u this but i'm unable to act as if i like everything u do. This is the only thing i hate in u. Have a change if possible."

  9. Next time she asks you personal questions like that say to her..."excuse me not to be rude but why are you so interested in my personal business?" And let her give you an answer. Your doing the right thing so far by not answering her is very rude of her to ask those type of questions.

  10. Ask her why she feels the need to know & ask her if she's writing a story about your life. Sounds nosy to me.

  11. just tell her thats personal stuff you don't want to talk about with her right now! she should understand and back off.

  12. That sounds really creepy,

    Just next time when she says, "So how much money do you make each year?"

    Tell her "Why do you even want to know? and give her this face -__' Like a raised eyebrow look." And if she says just curious or something along those lines, just respond with a simple, "Its really none of your business."

    Or respond as "Why do you always ask these questions? Its pretty weird."

    Like put her on the spot and question her why she is so curious. She'll get a clue.

  13. I agree w/ur mom, pull her to the side and ask her why does she ask those Q's all the time, find out why from her, and tell her that u do not like it whenever she's consistently asking the same Q's all the time, sometimes u have to be direct w/ppl \, that's the only way to get through to them.GL 2 u!

  14. well i hade that hapen to me once. i asked her why do you say those things. and i would ask her verry very nicely if she could please stop and if she countues tell the teacher are on e of your class mates and talk it out to gether. are a counsuler. bey  ihope you email me.

  15. When people ask me questions like that I usually give very general answers or one word answers and the person gets the hint.   For example,if she asks you how much ur parents make, just say "i dont know, thats their personal business"     If shes smart enough she will get it.   If she asks you anything, just say "I dont  know, never bothered to ask,"     If she asks u if you have a boyfriend just say "Rather not talk about that right now"  If she asks you where did you buy that outfit say "I dont remember"  "I have  a bad memory"

    Try to sit far away from her...she sounds like she has issues.  

  16. Well just tell her that its rude to ask those kinds of questions. I know im thankful for those who told it the way it really was to me. If she does not respect that just forget about her.

  17. just tell her she will have to understand

  18. tell her why are u asking? and then say im just an average person or say ur in middle class. dont tell what ur really are.. besides being humble is a good thing. plus u did not have to be rude or anything.

  19. When she asks you anything turn it to a question, like when she asks how much your parents make, you say how much do yours make? Or another way to handle her is to lie in a sarcastic manner, like tell her that they make $1 million or 500.000 pounds, etc.

  20. just tell her nicely that you arent comfortable with her asking you all those things and to please stop the personal questions.

  21. just go up to her and be like ".... I'm really sorry but......shut the h**l up! it's non of your freaking business!!!!!!!!"  

  22. tell her its non of her business. or ask her the same questions back at her.  

  23. Is she eating with you while doing this.  I wouldn't eat in the cafeteria anymore but try eating in between meals in the girls classroom.  You can also lean up against a locker a shove chips or crackers in your mouth and chew while you cover your mouth with your arm.  You might look around to make sure no one can see.  I think most people would understand if they saw you.

  24. What you say is, "Why do you want to know?"  (That's what your mom told you to say.)

    And then, no matter what her answer is, all you have to say is, "I'm really surprised that you would ask such a personal question."

    The last statement, if she just won't drop it, is, "That is none of your business and I'm not going to discuss it."

    She's being rude and she knows it.  With most rude people, that first question ("Why do you want to know?") is enough to shut them up.

  25. Sounds like to me like she is looking for a rich friend or maybe she is just trying to get to know you and can think of anything else to ask about.

    To figure out which one she is simply answer one of her questions ( don't answer the income, upperclass lower class, or how many rooms question)  and try changing the topic to about something totally different if she continues asking about income or is simply turns out to be rather s****. or simply not like a good friend drift away.


    Simply ask her why is she asking.

    Hope this helps!

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