
What can i do if someone comes in to my property and they will not get out even thought hey have been warned?

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im garden is easy to get in to as the is nothing blocking it...... as you got to my front door and turn left is the garden open to anything or any1 to go in and steal stuff..........i have a dog in which cant do nothing (Huskie) and also what if it is kids? 4 of them telling their parents dont do nothing they all live next door but they still come in even though they get told off by me or any1....the main concern is if they fall into my pond and die it will be blamed on me but i dont want then in fall stop! please help lol pissing me off big time




  1. Call the police, and tell them they are trespassing. There are laws aganist trespassing

  2. Call the police.

    And if you have a pond there, you should have a lockable fence around the property - as you noted, if a kid falls in and drowns, you're in big trouble.

  3. Call the cops

  4. The first thing you should do is tell your own parents, because it's their house. They should talk to the neighbors' parents. If this doesn't work, they should talk to the police.

    If you're home alone and you see someone in your yard, first tell them to leave (unless you feel threatened). If that doesn't work, call the police. It's your right.

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