
What can i do in my day to day life to help save the environment?

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What can i do in my day to day life to help save the environment?




  1. recycle and go shopping at this company the web site is all natural product and the cleaning product are money saving and enviromentally safe and all you do is add water check it out and email me if your interested okay   b.johne k.

  2. Related to paper products:

    cancel your junk mail (all stores have on-line catalogues) cancel any paper bills that you can recive on-line,

    cancel all those magazine and newspaper subscriptions... you can also find all of these on-line!!

    recycle those paper products you can't avoid.

    Do you really need to buy a new book... or can you borrow it from a library or friend. Check out the second hand book store if you don't like borrowing.

    Do you have 50 books sitting in your house that you will never every read again? can you find them a new home with a friend, or sell them... give them a new purpose.. and stop another book from being made! If they are outdated and of no use (ie;old computer books) then recycle them.

    I read not long ago that some asian countries have to import old paper to keep up with the demand of recycled products (there isn't enough natural or used material left for them) and an indian friend of mine recently said that he can get almost the cost of his newspaper subscription back, by the amount they pay you for your old papers- point being - paper is a resource to be treated as a limited resource (though, of course it is not really such).

    Also, buy recycled materials!! recycled paper for your printer, recycled loo paper etc etc.

  3. there's a bunch of things car pool, read more, stay in and eat. Dont go out ta eat all the time fix things in there right environment?

  4. a) Shut off lights and computers when leaving the room.

    b) Walk instead of drive to all destinations within five blocks from home.

    c) Reduce your water consumption.

    d) Plant four trees in your backyard.

    e) Gather tree seeds when they are falling ....and do the illegal thing......drop these seeds  in any ground space that is not grass covered  i.e.:  ground that is bare, or freshly cultivated,  a post hole, under a new fence line that will provide shade.

    f) a hundred other ways I can think of

    g) Pick up a handful of earth and say " I know you are as valuable as I am. You are my inheritance, made up off all life that has gone befor me. Please show me how to save the earth and all its environment".  

    You will see that the greatest answers for the way forward to save the environment lies within you.

  5. where I live we recycle as much as we can.  reduce emmisions for vehicles, make our own compose out of our waste, have faith in GOD.

  6. I have a simple thing I do EVERY day. Pick up one piece of trash. I know its not much, but ifeveryone did it we would have none to pick up :)

  7. Bring more live potted plants indoors to improve your home and work environments.

    "Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings.

    NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more.

    TOP 10 plants most effective in removing:

    formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.


    Common Name  Scientific Name  

    Bamboo Palm  Chamaedorea Seifritzii  

    Chinese Evergreen  Aglaonema Modestum  

    English Ivy  Hedera Helix

    Gerbera Daisy  Gerbera Jamesonii

    Janet Craig  Dracaena "Janet Craig"  

    Marginata  Dracaena Marginata  

    Mass cane/Corn Plant  Dracaena Massangeana  

    Mother-in-Law's Tongue  Sansevieria Laurentii  

    Pot Mum  Chrysantheium morifolium  

    Peace Lily  Spathiphyllum "Mauna Loa"  

    Warneckii  Dracaena "Warneckii"

  8. All of the previous suggestions are great, they will help.  My thought is be smart.  It is not hard to come up with ways to save energy, save water, prevent pollution, and recycle.  but taking them all on can make a person feel nuts.  It takes organization and dedication.  One thing a day will make our world a better place.

    Organize a list of what you are willing to do and put it into practice over time with thought and organization.

  9. It depends on where you live to some extent but I'd say

    1. reduce your waste by REUSING, RECYCLING, PASSING ON, COMPOSTING. (if it doesn't fit in those categories, don't buy it.)

    2. Buy local, organic food whenever possible.

    3. Limit single person car trips, explore public transportation and walking/biking

    4. Replace all lightbulbs with Compact Fluorescent Bulbs (they are not as bad as they used to be - check them out)

    5.  Buy recycled, postconsumer paper products.

    6.  Avoid using toxic chemicals in the house and in your yard (for your health and the health of the people/animals around you) - look into brands like Method, Seventh Generation

    7.  Eliminate single use items - bring your own reusable grocery bags to the store and containers for food or coffee or water

    8. More available.... ;))

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