
What can i do in this moment?

by Guest31676  |  earlier

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i barely move i feel thirsty and my hands are so cold ,i retype what i write for many times

i always take what people say without saying no or protest ,today i fought with my family and i exploded and shouted from the top of my head ,now i cant think properly and i feel like sedated ,my hands are still so cold now they started to warm as i write this ,

what can i drink,my mother offered me xanax or libracs

i went to my place and i barely open my eyes ,and i don't want to show them that i m still hurt ,

tell me what to do

i started to think of running away from the whole country and change my name and take all money i have and buy a store or something

or i just should kill myself and *its not threatening no its a statement because if a person cant find his/her foot on the ground and be treated like a human who has rights then why in h**l should i live??

i m so confused right now

and don't know what to do

,if i cant say what i want because i m too afraid to hurt their feelings while no one gives a `s**+# to what i feel?

i believe in god ,and i believe he is fair with us but i m simply not able to cope with people




  1. It sounds like you need to see your doctor.  I've suffered from a clinical depression 3 times now, the first time when I was 17.  Each time has been different.  But you mentioned several classic symptoms of depression-feeling super tired, lashing out in anger when you normally don't, changes in appetite, trouble focusing your thoughts, etc.  

    Having a clinical depression does not mean you're weird or crazy, it just means your stress-handling hormones are out of balance.  Medications can restore that balance and help you feel able to cope with life while you work out your problems.  See if your doctor can recommend a good therapist to talk to, but don't give up if you don't like the first one you see.  Most people visit more than one therapist before they find the right one for them.  

    Please don't give up hope!

  2. Hi-I'm sorry you are having such a rough time. If I get angry and argue with someone it feels like I have an explosion in my mind. It is extremely painful. But making a point or asserting myself I sometimes find hard. You said you believe in God so you know a prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ will help. Perhaps a visit to your doctor also may help. I have had counseling in my time and it certainly helped me. Your Doctor could arrange this perhaps. Or you could visit your Church Minister/Vicar/Priest and talk to him.

  3. What you do in this moment is very important because the Power is Always in the moment, because it is the only moment you have, the one you are currently living.

    It sounds like you need to either do something to relax and focus your mind, medication would be good if you know how to do that or just lay down and listen to some calming music.  Alternatively, you could try to find something to do which will uplift your spirits, because laughter is the best remedy.  It's so true that the more we laugh the less we fret.

    From reading your question I think you sound like you suffer from low self-esteem.  I feel like I am forever suggesting this on here, but I think you would benefit from doing a Confidence and Assertiveness Course.  These are run by MIND and usually by local colleges too. I did one with MIND 9 years ago and it is the BEST and MOST USEFUL course I have ever done, and I've done stacks.  However, what you learn on the course you have to then put into practice, but the more you do this the more you see the change in your life and in yourself.

    Part of the course is knowing your RIGHTS as a person, which are as follows:-

    ** I have the right to be treated with respect as an intelligent, capable and equal human being

    **I have the right to express my feelings

    **I have the right to say NO

    **I have the right to change my mind

    **I have the right to decline responsibility for other people's problems

    **I have the right to make mistakes

    I have the right to state my own needs and set my own priorities as a person independent of any roles I may assume in my like

    **I have the right to deal with others without being dependent on them for approval

    As you can see I have the right to say no is one of them.  Obviously the course covers the above in a great deal more detail.

    Don't run away, do the above course or something similar and you will learn how to change your life for the better forever.

    PS  I'm glad you believe in god because when we are having troubled times he always makes sure that the things we need to help us get through or point us in the right direction are available to us.  Things happen for a reason, and often these things are turning points in our lives - it's like we have reached a junction and don't know which way to go.

  4. Go to the store and buy 2 bananas

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