
What can i do in this situation?

by  |  earlier

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allegedly, one of my bosses [he was just recently promoted] said that he saw me, along with two other employees [one of which was off that day, visiting] smoking pot during our break. to be completely honest, i love weed, but we were not smoking it at work. FIVE DAYS LATER he tells our boss and all three of us are called to headquarters to "tell our side" then we were given the choice to resign or be fired. they refuse to discuss it further because "everything that needs to be has already been said". there is absolutely no proof. can we each file for wrongful termination and try to get our jobs back? or even file for unemployment?




  1. Did you ask for a mandatory p**s test. Call the labor relations board and contact a lawyer that takes contingency cases . if you can now pass the urinalysis you might win.

  2. wow thats tough. dont smoke it!

  3. can u pass a pee test.....if so get one and call the eeoc...good luck...if you cant pass the need to quit smoking pot..its already causing u problems

  4. Contact the labor office in your area

  5. If you can't pass a drug test you really can't fight this, because a drug test would be your only way to prove you were not smoking pot,,,,the test would confirm you were not a drug user.   But since you are I would suggest quiting, it looks better then "fired for drug use".

  6. You have no case for wrongful termination even if it was just a legal cigarette you were smoking.

    You can apply for unemployment and see what happens, although you will very possibly be denied.

  7. It will depend on the state that you are in. Some states have an 'at will' law. This is when you can be terminated without cause. Talk to an attorney to see what your state laws say about this. Good luck.

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