
What can i do over the summer?

by Guest32147  |  earlier

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i have 3 weeks left for school to reopen

i am sooo bored i really have nothing to and i want to make use of these 3 weeks ...i am so sick of these holidays ..i seriously have nothing to do all my friend are on vacation and i am alone at home with my mother so we dont go out much its really boring in the morning and theres nothing to do other than t.v internet and music

btw i am a 13 year old girl




  1. i'm 14 and i agree with you entirely and know how you whole family is pissed of with me and a lot of my friends are busy....argh......

    that doesn't really answer your question i know but i thought i'd answer just to say that i'm in the same position!!!!

  2. well the most you can do is go to close by theme/water parks, go to mueseums {u might learn something you might need to know for school}....jus find little things to do to pass your time.

  3. ha ha, ive been asking that myself allll summer.

    Ideas: ......................??????????????????...



    walk around with people.....

    Start a new hobby!

  4. sell candy, ice cream, lemonade, cookies, baby sit,  aim, yahoo messenger, ride bikes, play games

  5. go on the computer

  6. u can find some summer job

  7. go swimming.. try babysitting a neighbours kids.. umm.. i go on rogers on demand and watch all the sweet sixteen episodes when im bored :P play video games like the wii and stuff..

  8. You could go to the beach or the swimming pool...

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