
What can i do ???????????????????

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i l,ost my first baby a fgew weeks ago now and the father of that unborn child wants to have a symbol(S) to show we had and lost the child anyideas and what does this mkean we are not together???????




  1. it means he wants something in remebrance to the child that passed away . one idea and a friend of mine did this , was put a decal on the back glass of her car saying in remebrance of ... and then have the year . i think it's a really nice gesture , it shouldnt matter if you two are together or not , that was your 2 child .  sorry about your loss

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby girl at 19 weeks in November 07; now I'm pregnant and due Nov 08! Good luck if you plan on trying again. As far as a symbol; you guys could get a tattoo. Did you know the s*x? My husband and I are going toget my baby girl with angel wings with her hands in praying position looking over a baby boywrapped in a blanket(pregnant with a boy now) . Just an example.

    Good luck & again sorry for your loss.

  3. I'm very sorry for your loss. Losing a baby is one of the hardest things to go through; many people don't understand that.  Sometimes parents want symbols or keepsakes to remind them (and others) that the loss was very real, and even if it was early in pregnancy, this baby was a real person to them.  

    When a loved one passes away, we have photos, possessions, and mementos to keep their memory alive and give us comfort in our grief.  When an unborn baby passes away, we may not have any physical reminders.  

    Do you have an ultrasound picture?  Did you buy any baby clothes?  If you don't have anything physical, you might write or create something artistic, depending on your talents, to express your grief and remember your unborn child.  You could do this separately or together, whichever would be most meaningful and helpful.

    Please take care of yourself.  It does get easier with time.

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