
What can i do right now to pass a test in the morning? i smoked some chronic at like 4 today.?

by  |  earlier

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i think im gonna get tested in the morning so what should i do. my friend told me to drink bleach but thats really stupid. so what should i drink besides water?




  1. I am a CCMA

    Your screwed there is nothing that will get you to pass a p**s test...

    Vinegar and golden seal DO NOT WORK

  2. you should drink tons and tons of water and get one of those drug/urine cleansing kits, but remember to pee before you get tested, because everything that's being filtered out will be in your urine for a bit. i don't really know if this will work, but it's your best bet. otherwise, chronic stays in your system for a long time.

    good luck

  3. Don't drink bleach, you will get sick or die. Drink lots of water, exercise a lot to boost your metabolism and speed it getting through the system, and pee before your test. If you can, don't go to work tomorrow, so it has an extra day to get out of your system.

  4. you don't DRINK the bleach you put in your cup of pee. if you're getting p**s tested, you fail. even for the once a year smoker, 24 hours is not enough to get it out of your system (especially if it was "chronic"). you're screwed. have fun in jail/suspension/getting fired etc etc whatever the case may be.

  5. I dont know how long it takes to work, but at the drugstore they have "cleansing kits". There like $20.00 and they work but I think you have to wait 24 hours for the everything to clear your system. It will only work for a urine test, not a strand test.

  6. That stuff is bad for you, but I know some people that have drank bleach and passed their test. I'm not really sure, I don't do anything.

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