
What can i do so i wont get tired quickly when im running?

by  |  earlier

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Like my breathing and stuff like that.




  1. first of all breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. it help oxygen get to your lungs better. and also i would suggest running hills and fast workouts...such as sprint for 20 seconds then jog for a minute. your legs will get used to short bursts that you need in any race and you wont be as tired.

    hope it helps :)

  2. Swimming is also a very good way to build up endurance.

  3. You can control your breathing by going at a easy pace where you can't hear yourself breathing. Your heart sends you a massage like if your breathing hard that means your heart is working hard. Go as many miles as you want that feel comfterble.

  4. Just keep on doing it. Run a little bit each day gradually adding about 100 meter. then you should be able to do more without getting tired

  5. run more the more u run the better your endurance gets

  6. There are many ways to increase your chamces of not being tired when you run,1st of all u can practice regularly giving yourself a traget 2 reach,time or distance,you could also go on a tred walker regualrly or even ride a bike or a bike macheine,eating healthily is also a good way 2 keep lively when running as u need a balanced diet,all of this keeps you fit and makes it much easyier 2 run without getting tired.

  7. Work on breathing from your diaphram.

    Pace yourself more slowly in your first half-mile or mile until the endorphins kick in.

    Learn to put your mind somewhere else.

    Learn to run from your hips, less shoulders and arms.  Relax your upper body.  Use that more when you are climbing a hill, or when you want a burst of speed.

    These have worked for me in runs of two to seven miles.

  8. run a lot

    go on longer runs, then the other runs seem easy.

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