
What can i do so we can be friends again?

by Guest61832  |  earlier

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Last year me and this girl were best friends for like a few months.

Then i introduced her to one of my other friends and they both basically ditched me. So this year she's going to be in one of my classes, so what can i do to make everything ok again?




  1. She doesn't sound like a very loyal friend, I would leave her alone and find new ones.

  2. You should talk to your new friend and try showing your other friends that she is a nice person.

  3. try talking to her and let her know how u feel. if it doesn't work, then leave it alone. u guys might just find common ground again and b friends.

  4. It's not your fault some people just grow apart. I had a best friend through 8th grade and high school but after we graduated we just grew apart. So just say hi and see if things are still the same between you.  

  5. If it's meant to will happen. You can't control this sort of thing. Why would you want to, anyway???

    You say you & a girl were best friends until you introduced her to someone else, then you were desserted. Why would you want the friendship back after being treated this way. So what, you'll be in the same class. That doesn't mean that you have to socialize with her, or even bother with her for that matter.

    Make yourself the better person in the process. If you make eye contact, it's quite ok to say "hi". If you don't get a response or are ignored, then you know there's no point in trying to revive something that should stay dead.

  6. You can't control this situation. All you can do is be friendly and act like nothing is wrong. If you make her feel guilty, it's over. So don't do that. Be friendly and cordial.

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