
What can i do that will make a difference in the health of the Planet?

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I want to do my part but i'm not sure where to start and i don't want to be some huge advocate of "green this and green that". Just want to help out in a small way




  1. Tiny little things, but they WILL MATTER.


    --take your own recyclable bags to the grocery store and keep using them instead of plastic or paper bags.  Not only that but some stores will give you a discount if you use your own bags rather than theirs (see the site I list at the bottom of this posting--it's REALLY worth reading).

    --Another tiny thing--turn your lights OFF when you aren't using them (do you realize how many Americans don't do this?  WE realized it when we were living in CA during the rolling blackouts.  We CA'ians surprised ourselves and surprised the energy companies by conserving more energy than they thought we CA'ians were capable of doing.  Also, in the future buy Energy Efficient Light Bulbs).

    --"Don't waste trips" ( my husband's been drumming this into me for 20 years).  Combine your trip to the grocery store with your trip to the hardware store and the hairdresser's.  Conserve car fuel.  It's a matter of principle, and it also saves you wear-and-tear on your car (plus fuel costs) over the years.

    --Turn your THERMOSTAT DOWN in the winter, and UP in the summer (air conditioning).  Wear SWEATERS, like the Europeans do, in the winter [surprise--sweaters work!]

    --INSTALL GOOD OVERHEAD FANS to circulate your cooling AND your heating--very cost-effective, they pay for themselves quickly.

    --Carpool.  Interesting thing--it's not JUST that you save on gas costs, but you start to get to know people better on those car rides....a way to bond with people and make deeper, life-long friends who will 'be' there for you when you need them.

    --If your state does not offer rebates for the installation of Solar Energy or other energy-saving items, CALL YOUR STATE REPS and congressmen and tell the YOU WANT THEM.   NJ and TX both offer 40% rebates for the installation of solar and other energy-saving devices.  NJ will even partially reimburse you for the purchase of a more efficient clothes dryer and certain other items.  Better still, tell them you want the FED. gov't to subsidize sensible alternatives to oil, gas, and other easily-depletable fuel sources (sorry, corn ethanol is a myth created by politicians, which is having disastrous consequences on world environment and our own US food prices).

    --WALK that 1/2 mile to town or to your friend's, don't drive.  

    ...and don't drive around forever waiting for that 'close' parking spot, either.  Instead, park farther away--good opportunity to get some walking in, good for your health (and a whole lot cheaper than subscribing to a gym so you can use  a treadmill).

    --DON"T use harsh pesticides in your yard or in your home (don't believe those guys who come to the door and say 'You need monthly extermination"). Our neighborhood  association does this for the public areas...our dog got horrible rashes from it--now we're careful NOT to walk her in these public areas when they 'pesticide' them.  If pesticides turn our dog BRIGHT, RAW  pink on her underbelly and paws, then what does it do to people and wild animals?  Pregnant women especially, be VERY careful...there are documented cases.

    --It's not just about what you DO--it's about setting the example for others to see.  Yes, it matters--people DO notice.

    --If you do the above things (just what came off the top of my head), then by the end of your life you WILL have made a difference.


    Thanks for your question!  

    We can ALL make a difference, One Person At A Time.

  2. Just pleas take good care of our plants as they remove CO2 from our air...

  3. Here are some easy and effective things you can do:

    1.  Carry canvas grocery bags instead of paper or plastic

    2.  Put your computer and electronics on surge supressors and turn off at night using less electricy.  

    3.  Turn your thermostat so that you use less gas or electricity.  4.  Don't buy chemical cleaning products - use green products or the best is lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar.

    5.  Work to conserve water - collect rain water to water your garden and wash your car.  

    Good luck!  any efforts are great efforts.

  4. Check out

    All you need is there you can do something as simple as sign a petition. Check it out.


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