
What can i do the back of my braces just poped off but i didnt do anything ???

by  |  earlier

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i just check in hte mirror to clean my braces after i was eating then i looked at the back of my mouth and my braket poped dof but i didnt eat anything that day that wasnt supposed to .I just finised eating mashed potatoes so i dont think that did it . Maybe the glue want on rite or something. Do you thinkn that my ortho might get mad and if someone has gone through this what does the ortho tell u . HELP WHAT DO I DO !!!???!!!




  1. Is it the ring or a bracket?

    If it's a bracket, it is no big deal. The orthodontist will just remove it, and that's it. (well, he did that to me)

    If it is a ring then...I am not sure, cause that hasn't happened to me.

    Either way, just tell your mom and have her call your orthodontist. They will fix it with ease.

  2. that used to happen to my brother all the time, just tell your  mom, and make an appointment with your dentist and he'll fix it. its not a big deal

  3. I've had braces for 6 months and this has already happened 4 times to me.  It was probably the glue like mine.  Try to schedule an appointment ASAP. Because if you don't it will set your process back a bit.  They put a stronger glue on mine.  My orthodontist wasn't mad because he has patients that do that everyday.  He just told me to be more aware. Don't freak out it'll be just fine.

    Hope I helped! (: ♥

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