
What can i do to build up my body to be able to run? i wanna do cross country?

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i want to do cross country in august. it's the end of may and im not that good at it. i ran for a little bit today but i can only run for so long before i get really tired. i dont have astma either. i think it's just because i haven't done anything all year. for cross country you have to be able to run 3 miles though.. and i dont even know if i can do that. and you have to do it fast. so to build up my running skills should i just go running everyday? i need some routine to go by or something, because i really want to do this




  1. try to become more active, and slowly increase the amount of exercising you do. If you haven't done a lot of sports or running, I can almost gaurantee that you will get injured if you dont take it slowly. Most new runners get shin splints (very sore shins) from the pounding of distance running, when they arent used to it. Id suggest starting to go places by foot, and just build up your bone and muscle strength. for example: if a friend lives 1 or 2 miles away you could walk/jog there. dont think of it as a workout, but just as trying to get some place (enjoy it and dont push yourself too hard). By doing that, you'll get a lot of training in without as high a chance of injury. Other than that, just try to go on runs every once and a while and build up your distance and speed. Try finding soft surfaces to run on, (dirt paths etc.) and it should help to make it easier and lessen your chances of injury. A good book to read about running with some training advice is: Gerry Lindgren's Book on Running. He was a little crazy and rediculously fast, but his attitude, and strategies, are defintely something to learn from. Just remember the key is to balance training with not getting hurt. Also, always remember if you're going to exercise a lot, make sure you have good shoes, get a lot of sleep, and eat healthy. Doing those things will help make it all a lot easier.

  2. well, my soccer coach always tells us this: you want to run for 30 minutes striaght, you have to be able to run for 40 minutes straight. so maybe work your way up? i get really tired too hha, you just have to get in shape again.

  3. The most important thing at this point is not to get really fast, but to build up your ability to run a few miles at once. I'm a freshman and this was my first year ever running cross country. I started off running very little, maybe a few miles a week, but then I started building up to about 2-3 miles a day. The important thing is to talk to your future coach and see where he wants you to be by September.

    Remember, cross country is about getting BETTER at running. You're going to improve throughout the season, not just before it starts. But remember, you should be able to run a few miles at a time by the start of the season. I could run about 3 to 5 at the end of the summer training but by November I could run for nine miles straight!

    Slowly build up your mileage and talk to your coach. Running is much more of a team sport than most people suspect, so make sure you're doing the right things to prepare for it by asking the right people.

  4. Don't try to start out running 3 miles if you have never ran 3 miles before!  Start with maybe a mile adn do that for a week, trying to get faster every day. Then maybe build up to 2 miles, trying to get faster every day.  Then maybe stay at 2 miles for 2+ weeks and then move onto 3 or 4 miles.  Just remember, don't give up if you aren't doing as good as you would like to! GOOD LUCK!

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