
What can i do to escape my P.E (pool) class?

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i really hate my gym class, whenever were gonna go swimming. i want to be allergic to chlorine or whatver. any suggestions?advice? opinions? please. i really hate pool.




  1. Live with it...Just do it...fake it to make it...Stop whinning and become a swimmer it could save your life !!!

    Do you really know how bad this question of yours sounds....

    I don't like it !

    I can't !

    It makes my eyes sting !

    Good grief the teachers have heard all the excuses under the sun...So you will do it anyway !!!

  2. Pee in the pool right in front of the teacher

    You will get in real trouble

    But never do swim class again

    What they going to do, its not like the teacher is allowed to beat the shite out of you with a cane like when I were a lad

  3. Stub your toe really hard and claim that it's broken.

    "Come on, coach, it's IMPOSSIBLE to swim with a broken toe! Maybe if I sit in that lawn chair for a while, it'll start feeling better."

  4. verukas always worked when i was at school, it was a few tears ago though.

  5. Whatever excuse you make up won't work. You may think the teacher is stupid, but I doubt it.

    An F grade on your transcripts will not look good when it comes time to decide on college.

    Get over it, do your swimming and move on.

  6. Why? Swimming is good exercise.  Wouldn't you rather be swimming than sitting in a maths class?

  7. What is the actual reason that you don't like gym class? If you are scared of the water, why not start swimming, and go to the local pool every week or so. If youre scared about what you look like in a swimming cozzie, relax! everyone else will be feeling the same. Or if you just want a good excuse, say that you've got a verucca :) It worked  for me!

  8. Leave your shorts at home. they won't make you do it in the nude =)

  9. I just don't understand why you'd hate swimming, it's such a wonderful sport. But I guess that's probably just you. I have a friend who hates the pool as well, she always tells me "the water's dirty, everyone swims in it." But we do shower afterwards anyway. And swimmings a great sport.

    Every week when we have swimming she makes an excuse, here are some of the excuses I remember her making:

    1. "I've got my periods, and my mom doesn't let me use tampons." You could use this excuse if you're a girl.

    2. "I'm sick" and she gives the teacher a letter from her "mother" with a forged signature on it, she usually types a couple out and she has her parents' signatures on the computer so she just copies and pastes it onto the end of the letter.

    3. At my school you have to wear a swimming cap or else you can't swim. She has two swimming caps. One that's broken and one that's not. She sometimes first wears the new one and makes sure the teacher sees and then she takes it off and puts the broken one on and tells the teacher her cap broke. So she couldn't swim.

    4. once I remember her pretending she had a stomach ache. Do you know how real she looked? She got sent home in the middle of the period before swimming. Swimming's at the end of the day for us.

    Anyway, she always comes up with one excuse or another. So far she hasn't been to a single swimming class. I'm amazed, really. thing's for sure though, she's definately going to fail swimming. She's "escaped" the lessons without being yelled at, without being punished but she is definately going to fail swimming. I don't know how many times I've told her, she just tells me "I don't care, as long as I don't have to get in that pool, I'm happy."

    I just hope you're more sensible than her, although she's my friend, I can't help saying if she fails, she deserves it. And anyway, as I said swimming is a great sport, as a matter of fact, it's the only sport i'm ever good at and it's my favorite sport. The reason I like it is because I like the water flow and the competitiveness, also the exercise. Although I suck at the other sports, especially raquet sports such as tennis I still try my best to do good in it. I even take lessons, why "waste my time" doing a sport that I don't even like and know I will never do good in? I don't have a good enough excuse to not do it. You can't just say 'I don't like it" and don't do it. You can't go along hating the pool for the rest of you like, and if you can't swim fast, say you fall into a deep pool or something and you can't even swim! Why not just do it? I've long accepted my friend's excuse of "the water is dirty". But as I said, she deserves to fail because she is believing an excuse she has made that isn't true.

    You need a good excuse as to why you hate swimming, I suck at tennis but I still do it everyday, every monday, tuesday and friday I take tennis lessons. And although I still can't last 5 rounds I know I'm improving. Because I started off not knowing how to throw the ball and it never went past the net, or else it hit someone in the stomach or head. But I didn't get discouraged, I want to do well in it, and now I'm getting better, in a few months I'm sure I'll last more than 10 rounds. Do not let these "excuses" take control, why DON'T you like swimming? Give your reasons? Is it because the water is "dirty" as my friend puts it, because something horrid happened to you when you were younger in a pool? Give your reason, so far there is no good enough excuse. my friend has told me many times to drop the subject, "shut up, I'm not good at swimming, okay? I hate it, I don't know why, the first time I got into a pool I hated it, so drop it or else..." That's her excuse, probably the first time she went swimming something bad happened that made her hate swimming. You know? When I was younger, about 4 1/2, I "hated" diving. I was afraid of heights. I already knew how to swim so my dad built a diving board and pool for me in our front yard. But I was scared to jump, enspecially with my head down, so my dad who was getting impatient lifted me up and put me upside down and told me to stretch out my arms, and he threw me straight down into the water. Man was i scared! But to escape being thrown into the water I decided to do it properly, I did it, I mastered my fear! I'm now an accomplished diver and swimmer. My dad taught me something that day, something that changed my life completely. I learnt to face my fears, instead of hiding from it, instead of trying to "escape" I learnt to face it straight up, there's no use hiding, you'll never conquer it, you have to face it, and you win the moment you have faced it. So face swimming, do not fear a mere activity, what is wrong with it? I have no idea why you don't like it, if everyone else does it, then why not you? Do you have an excuse for being the odd one out?

    Once again I hope you are more sensible than my friend and that you learn to face your "fears".

  10. I think you are the second person here to ask this question on how to avoid the pool (PE). My advise is plain and simple - don't because you have not fully appreciated the benefits of swimming.  

    What is the reason why you hated swimming in the first place, perhaps someone threw you at the pool that traumatized you or forced to take lessons in the past or other similar reason that you learned to hate it?  I think you should get over it now.  Unless you have a very, very good  (and valid) reason not to attend it, stop it and face your fears or repeat PE again next year (and that includes swimming in the pool - again).  You may not like this advise but you will grow as an individual - including facing your fears right in the face.  My two cents worth.

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