
What can i do to get fit by late October?

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I'm 22, male, 6'1, 195 lbs.

I'm going on a trip to Mexico with some people starting Oct 24 and I want to look good. I've already started eating better. Fruits, veggies, lean meats, lots of water, not a lot of carbs. I'm also starting to swim every day.

Particularly, I have unwanted stomach fat that I really want to get rid of. I've never been fat but have always been embarrassed of this and ready to get rid of it for good! Please share your tips on getting a great beach body (cut abs) Diet or Work out tips would be great.




  1. Try doing sit ups, jogging, lunges or joining a gym.

  2. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips ..

  3. I am currently using this military Boot Camp training guide.

    I have asthma and am about 20 pounds over weight, I am heading to boot camp shortly and have been working on getting in shape.

    This guide worked great because it starts you out slow and moves you up throughout the week.

  4. 1. U don't have to eat really little, just try to only eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner with out snacks in between.

    2. When you wake up do situps do like 20 take a small rest then do that twice again you should also do them before going to bed.

    3. If you go to the gym dont concentrate to much on muscle just go on the treadmil and do some weigth loss or cardio  until ur happy with ur stomach fat then you should do some bench press for chest muscels and keep on doing sit ups to get cut abs.

    (btw it might be better to keep some of the fat because it makes your muscle look better than if you were pretty skinny)

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