
What can i do to get motivation when i running?

by  |  earlier

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i just joined cross country team for my school and like they say 98% of running is mental and only 2 percent body.. and they told me if i concentrate on pushing myself i can do it.. and while im running ill motivate myself by like the motivation goes away really fast and then i start to faill.. i need help to stay motivated while running.. like focused..




  1. listen to an ipod while you run. especially energetic songs that pump you up

  2. Pretend someone is chasing you.Seriously.

  3. I imagine that the guy I like is watching and I want to impress him...

  4. yea i agree that its mainly mental.

    i picture whoever i want to impress is watching, music helps me get pumped too, i always tell myself how its helping me get my bikini body, maybe get a partner to run with that always helps me to,

    && dont make it a question if your gonna run however you want to go tell yourself your gonna go atleast so far then just push yourself till your there.

    oh i didnt know we were talking race here. well i always focus on the person in front of me and just work on catching up to then then next person after that then the next. when i run i let my mind kinda wander and just focus on staying relaxed and in form.

  5. i agree with that. as long as you train well, the actual races are mostly mental. If you have a big team try to get the runners who arent running to spread out on the course and chear for the runners, that really helps. Have your bf come to the race and cheer you on. If you can listen to a motivational song b4 the race and memorize part of then just repeat it over and over. Just try and stay focused and most of all DONT LEAVE ANYTHING ON THE COURSE!! if you dont hurt when you're done then you havent run fast enough.  

  6. Personally, I think about how good it is for my body and how I can do anything I set my mind to.

    Also, I keep a watch with me and think, "Ok..I can definitely run 5 minutes, and when that passes I think that I can go for just 5 more."

    Breaking it up into smaller segments makes your mind think it's not really doing as much work as it really is!

    Hope that helps! Good luck!

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