
What can i do to get my 4 year old to stop throwing fits to get what he wants?

by  |  earlier

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we try to get him to sit in his room and he will kick and hit the walls he will hit us i dont know what to do with him any more i've tried every thing




  1. Take hold of him to where he can't move,(called wrapping) don't yell at him, but talk as softly as you can-even if its a whisper. And don't let him go until he is completely calm-if he starts up again wrap him up again.If this doesn't work after 2-3  times there is a thing called a good old fashion spanking.

  2. just wondering if you have had him assessed at all?

    he could have some syndrome or other that means he kicks off more than most kids of his age would do

    my son used to do much the same thing - i found that he would be h**l bent on attacking me on some days no matter what i did to avoid it or send him to his room

    i found that i had to hold him in such a position that he could squawk it out but that he could NOT harm me in any way.  it would take about an hour of him yelling and screaming but he would eventually calm down and tell me what the matter was - and then we could move forward.

    he was diagnosed with aspergers (then we were left high and dry with a child with a diagnosis with the same problems as before)

    after prayerful consideration i did hit on the above solution.  it works because they KNOW you are with them through it all plus you are preventing them from harming either themselves or you.  then let them cry it out without relenting.

    firm handling is the key to getting the behaviour you want from him - best off winning that one before he gets much bigger and can do some actual HARM to anyone else

  3. You should tell his doctor since it sounds like it is out of control. You've done what you could but when it gets physical you could need professional help.

  4. I am guessing you have given in and now he knows that all he has to do is throw a tantrum and eventually he will get his own way.

    Next time he is like this and hits and kicks then shove him under a cold shower. The shock will stop the tantrum. Then tell him to get changed and that if he does it again he will get the same thing. I am not talking holding him under for 1 minute or anything, just a few seconds for the shock

  5. This is a critical age for growing children. i once had a student of this age with same habit like your son. the parents have sought medical advice but the child was normal. i do private tutoring for ages 3 up, when i handled him he became sober and his tantrums were lessened. i let him seat on the floor when he starts with his tantrums and on the floor are small balls with different colors. when he sees th balls rolling he starts to laugh and presto his tantrums are gone. his parents continued with this routine even at home and now the child is well behaved.

  6. ignore his tantrums when he sees mom and dad not giving in he will stop

  7. get a belt

  8. Ignore him, let him hit the  walls. Make no comment.

    He will give up if his behaviour is not positively reinforced by your attention.


    Well you can't really punish a kid for hours anyway.

    How about deciding that the punishment is for 10 minutes and actually set a timer or something so it rings.

    After it rings let him out of his room regardless of how he had been behaving without making any comment.

    Hopefully he will realise that nothing that he does while he is in time out can effect how long he is in there since it is up to what the clock says.

    He knows now if he carrys on for long enough you will eventually give in.

  9. well 1st of  all u must explain to him that u cant get every thing you want.

    them bring him to a toy shop/sweet shop tell him he can get something, if he kicks up a fit over this, tell him u get the toy or nothing!!    if he continues to sceam ect. leave straight away, dont give him a 2nd chance nd dont tlk 2 him!!! it is important to do this, because i have had people who are in their 30's nd think they can get there own way and who are violent because of this!!!

    if he sceams ect take one of his toys away everytime, then if he behaves give him one back!!

    hope this helped.

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