
What can i do to get my belly to drop?

by  |  earlier

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i am 36 weeks and i am dialated a half a centimeter and the baby is head down but he said i need to drop some how can i do this?




  1. umm... i dont think you have to worry about losing weight when you are about to have a baby!! have the baby and then lose the weight by doing crunches and running on the treadmill. if you do any excersize when you have a baby in your stomach, you could damage it or something!!  

  2. You cant it happenes on its own iam 33weeks and mine has dropped yesterday and i read for first time moms baby will be due 2-4weeks after dropping but i mean everyone is different. I also have read for some women they didnt feel baby dropp or it never happened? Also read that some cases baby has dropped right before he/she was due.

  3. You mean the baby needs to drop, right?  :)  I don't know of any way to make this happen.  Just be patient, and it'll happen when the baby and your body are ready.

  4. No, there is nothing you can do to make it happen.  I believe the average time for this is around 37 weeks.  Good luck!

  5. This is not something that you can make happen, it will happen naturally on it own.  I know from experience (proud mama of 3)

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