
What can i do to get ready for volleyball?

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What can i do to get ready for volleyball?




  1. It depends on how into the game you are. If you're really serious about playing, all this may be right for you. It is for me. I spend my whole summers doing this:

    Running will help get you ready but is not that important. If you are trying out for a team & your coach is making you run, run that amount (or more) every couple days up to tryouts.

    You also should go to vb camps or something to freshen your skills before season. If you can't attend a camp, you can practice with someone outside, set/ pass against a wall, and stuff like that.

    Also, work on your jumping ablilities. If you have a wall, do 100 block jumps a day (or every other).

    You can also jump rope for 30 min each day (every other is fine too).

    You could also do situps and pushups every other day too.

    You can do wall-sits every day to help condition your legs.

    MAKE SURE YOU DRINK A LOT OF WATER!!!!! You don't want to get dehydrated (I did that and I regret not drinking enough- I got shin-splints).

  2. i would run alot because when it comes to practicing you guys would have to run alot and also keep practicing on your serving and bumbing and all that kind of stuff.

  3. m********e regularly it loosens up the vaginal muscles that help you set the ball

  4. Run... a lot

  5. besides all the suggestion on working out...

    get enough sleep!  on those days that i don't hav enough sleep, even thou i don't feel sleepy on the court, my body react slower, and my attention attends to drift off.

    be a bit hyper b4 the game.

    take a lot of potassium a day b4  (u could get it from banana), and make sure u hav enought drinks for the game.  (that helps preventing cramps.)

  6. Run, jog, bike, strech everyday, and swim. And practice the basics: bumming, serving, spiking, passing, and setting. Try to practice the basics over a net as mine times a week as you can.

  7. jump rope-run-weights-and well exercise a LOT!

  8. just keep practicing

  9. jump rope, it helps your jump, also do push ups to help your serve

  10. practice

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