
What can i do to get rid of my acne?

by Guest45294  |  earlier

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What can i do to get rid of my acne?




  1. You have three options really.

    1. Typical commercial acne products (such as clearasil)

    2. Homeopathic remedies (such as toothpaste or lemon juice.)


    Visit they have great reviews and discussions on various methods.

  2. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  3. oh well u know .. i'm 43 now and over the last ten years i rarely have had any acne .. but when i do i always turn to using mary kay ...  in fact my teen uses it and agrees .. it is great .. the body buffing cream is a sure to have.   but all in all basically it's a matter of washing right and if ur one who wears foundation .. toss it out .. especially if ur clogging ur pores with that gunky liquid foundation ..

    learn to know u are beautiful the way you are and only an occasional mascara or eye liner and a little powder blush is what i use.

    as a teen myself i fell into doing as my mom did and using liquid foundation and it led to pimples .. she was older and her skin could handle but mine couldn't.

    i know people who swear by using nothing but ivory soap and i use that too a lot .. it's got great mosterizer in it .. and inexpensive : )

    or if i use coast or something else then i follow with a moisterizing cream .. then add my powder blush, eye liner and mascara..

    i don't know .. guess it's all in the eye of the beholder but i have been told by a number of men that they really don't like a lot of makeup and if it's causing pimples . why use the stuff.  

    but ya know after tossing out the foundation i never really had much problem.  

    thankfully i do not have oily skin and thus far nor does my teen ..

    so i think as it has been suggested if u can consulting a dermo is the best answer and i also agree that ur diet plays a huge role .. consider if the grease is going in there it's going to have to get out some way and most likely through accumulation of pimples ..

    best of luck : )

  4. People make all kinds of suggestions about the best thing to do to cure acne.  Some cures I’ve heard include putting oatmeal, honey, lemon juice, tea tree oil, cucumber, vinegar, milk of magnesia or toothpaste on your face.  Practically every cosmetics company and company that makes personal care products makes something that is a “sure cure” for acne.  If we think about this, and use some common sense, we have to come to the conclusion that there is no quick or easy cure for acne, because if there was it would be well known and doctors would be telling everyone about it.  

    Numerous companies make a lot of money persuading people to buy products that at worst will make the acne worse, and at best may help some people a little.  Often fewer products are better.  People often make their acne much worse by using too many products.  There really is no quick fix for acne.  Don’t spend a lot of money on products just because their ads say that they will cure acne.  Your doctor is the best person to ask for help, and he or she may recommend some prescription medication or non-prescription treatment that may be suitable for you..  

    There are some very simple and basic things you can do that cost nothing.  Keep your face or any other area affected by acne very clean.  Any mild antibacterial soap will help with that.  Rinse the area well to remove all soap residue.   Drink plenty of water – it really does help to clear up acne.  Eat a nutritious diet and get enough sleep.  A healthy life style will make a difference.  Try to reduce the stress in your life – stress contributes to acne, so also probably the more you worry about the acne and focus on it, the worse it will be.  

    Probably the most useful and effective things you can do are to apply hot compresses to pustules and cysts and never to pick or squeeze pimples. Playing with or popping pimples, no matter how careful and clean you are, nearly always makes bumps stay redder and bumpier longer.  

    Here are a few informative links with additional ideas about preventing and treating acne.

  5. Apparently laser treatment is better than any creams or tablets.

  6. I recommend using a tea tree soap bar twice a day. Then after apply Tea Tree Oil. It is natural and the oil is an antiseptic so it kills germs on your skin. It doesn’t dry out my face or clog pores. I have been using it for a few months and my skin is 100% different. Make sure you use it everyday. You will see results in a week. You can buy it at health stores and one brand I use is “Thursday Plantation”. It is about 15$. I highly recommend this practice. Good luck

  7. Placecol has a soft laser treatment that is absolutely great, but if you can't afford to go for that twice a month then just follow a good cleansing routine use a scrub like Loreal's visibly clear at night and then use a toner and cream twice a day also drink lots of water as it helps to clean from the inside.  Eating the right vegetables also has a great affect on your skin

  8. accutane.

    antibiotics, topical gels....

    bactrim is a good one (i'm allergic).... :(

    and you can try other things, there isn't a certain product that can help EVERYONE. because no one is the same.

    so just visit a dermatologist and try stuff out.

  9. visit this site this will help you a lot

  10. Wash you face frequently, Don't squeeze them or they will spread. Don't eat too many sugary or greasy foods and try and find some Oxy cream. It remove the redness so they are less visible and clears them away as well. If all else fails try blue light therapy. It works really well.  

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