
What can i do to get rid of pubic hair?

by Guest62466  |  earlier

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ok..i shave down there...but it looks horrible and it itches like crazy when it grows back. but i've heard that a lot of guys think its gross when girls have pubic hair... so how do i get rid of it completely..without the stubs and red spots??




  1. you cant get rid of it completely, youre 14 whos gonna see it anyway unless you sleep around (sorry not tryin to be mean) but it doesnt matter, just shave your bikini line for now and when you get married or whatever is when you really need to worry about it but by then it shouldnt matter, but if you want to try waxing other than that idk you cant get rid of it unless you shave, you could do laser hair removal i guess but its kinda a weird spot to have it, and again its not permanent

  2. omg u are 14 years old

    only u are gonna see it so does it matter


  3. If you shave everyday just like your legs, then you wont get stubble and you will get used to it real fast and it wont itch anymore. Just use a fresh razor and body wash or shave gel or even conditioner works, and shave in all directions to get all growth and pull skin taught to get all the way to the skin, but don't put pressure on the blade as you can nick yourself and get bumps.

    also you can shave out of the shower with some oil to give and extra smooth close shave.

    don't wax, it hurts like h**l, is too expensive and really just isn't worth it in the long run.

  4. im 14 & i got waxed a few weeks ago.

    it hurts but its only just started growing back,

    so i say get waxed (:

  5. Go and get it waxed. Trust me it saves you the time. It hurts but it is all worth it in the end. And at least you know they got everything. LOL. Good luck. =]  

  6. Your 14, guys should not be down there yet!!!! Teen pregnancy is not cool, no matter how many movies or tv shows try to make it look ok.  

  7. Laser hair removal A few sessions and IT IS PERMANENT.

  8. You have to shave in the direction the hair grows. try using hair conditioner instaed of shaving cream/soap. There is this great product called coochy cream made just for that, but I think they only sell it at adult stores, but conditioner is pretty similar.

  9. It's all about choice. Some girls like being shaved and others don't...which ever is more comfortable for you. At local stores like CVS or even wal-mart they carry "shaving gels" that are specifically used for shaving down there. Also waxing is an option.

    At 14 years old, no one should be looking down there but you though, so this should be info used for future reference :)

  10. ok 4 starters ur 14 u sholudnt be worrying about what guys think about down there, cos they shouldnt be ther! im 19 and didnt hav s*x with my boybriend until i was 17 but im with him 3years so to me that was ok! as for other things other than s*x ur still kinda young whats the rush! and i would not advise shaving its the worst ever, for FUTURE reference hair removal cream works best.

  11. i was in the same position  till i tried using the saveqaur for women  

  12. dude she's like 14 how is she going to get laser hair removal and i think her mom would freak if she asked to get waxed. im 13 my mom would....  i go to walmart and get anti bumps shaving gel in the shaving section. just look for stuff it will say like for bikini area and that.  it works really good for me just make sure its lathered a lot first. i shave it with the hair two times and against two times each. hope it helped

  13. you can wax it off, or use depilatory creams (like Nair and Veet). Those creams smell weird though.  When you shave, make sure youre using enough lather (from shaving cream or soap) and use a brand new razor.  If the razor is dull then you apply more pressure, thats what irritates the skin.  But a for sure way to get rid of it for a while is to wax, but since your 14 that might be a problem. Just be more careful with the way you shave, it should work just fine. Good luck.

  14. You are only 14, you really shouldn't be worried about it yet.  I would wait until you are at least 18, on your own and making your own money, and then get laser hair removal.

    Until then, just keep yourself trimmed.  If you feel you must remove your pubic hair to feel clean, just keep doing what you are doing, because only you are seeing it.  And thats the way it should be until you are 18-ish and old enough to handle s*x.

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