
What can i do to get six pack abs in two weeks?

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its august 21st,im starting today,around 6:00.

school starts up around,sept.6

i want a six pack by then,i do NOT need rude responses ]:

just give me some tips of how to get one ]: so i think have a aboutt two or three weeks?




  1. two weeks is an incredibly unrealistic goal but it never hurts to start somewhere and at any time. i presume your going on holiday and want to look extra tight in a bikini?

    they advise that you lose fat first before building muscle, but if two weeks is slightly more realistic to you then am i right in presuming that you are fairly slim and thin anyway? if so, then just eat plenty of high protein foods to build muscle (don't go for shakes, there are far more pleasant natural ways lol). Foods that are really really high in protein include fish (these are a "lean" source of protein, i.e. you get more protein than you do fat, in terms of ratio, in a portion than you would in a fattier red meat like steak). fish such salmon, tuna and particularly prawns (prawns being VERY rich in protein) and many more can be cooked in hundreds of different and exciting ways. search for recipes, cooking fish, if you don't usually, can be made more enjoyable and tasty! (who said getting abs had to mean boring?) obviously steer clear from creamy sauces (so maybe herby and tomatoey sauces). a bit of cheese will not kill you, though - it's all in moderation. you can also get protein in dairy products, like milk and eggs and cheese (but as i said, these in smaller quantities).

    As for sit ups, i know some that have ALWAYS worked for me and given me great results; lie flat on your back with you knees up and bent (feet flat on the floor) about hip distance apart at a 90 degree angle to the floor. think about "pushing your spine into the floor" (it creates a curve in your back which improves movement and removes strain - also makes clenching abs easier). lots of people think that the higher they can raise themselves (to their knees) the better. not so. try simply to lift your shoulders off and away from the floor curling up towards the direction of your knees, and remember, 'quality over quantity' - you will feel greater benefit from 20 slow ones than 20 quick and rushed ones (and chances are you will be performing them better slower - more control). think about spending three seconds raising, and a second going back down. (i do sit ups to a clock ticking). breath in on that one second laying back down and out on the three seconds coming back up (your stomach needs to be clenched as you pull up so if you were to try and breath in sitting up then it would jut out - and remember, you muscles will form in the way you clench them as you perform your situp). when you do your sit-up, REALLY focus on clenching your abs, and not "sucking in" (people hold their breath thinking that is clenching, it is not).

    i give you such detail as this as if you want results fast, you really want to make the most of your sit-ups and do them perfectly. they will be a bit unnatural and confusing at first but you build a pattern. push through the ache but intense sharp stabbing pains mean you've done enough for now, try again later. do them every morning first thing in the morning on an empty stomach (it is easier to clench an empty stomach rather than a stomach full of breakfast or food). also drink plenty of water (helps feed muscles). hope this helps! sorry for the length!

  2. 10 situps

    10 V-ups (Touch your hands to your toes, but crunch your body so that they meet midway in the air)

    10 lemon squeezers (Position yourself sitting up, put hands at side, and move your torso back into a laying position while extending your legs straight ahead. Now just row your legs to a bend while crunching toward them w/ your torso, then go back to laying position. repeat process)

    10 back hypers (lay on stomach, basically a reverse cruncher)

    10 Leg lifts (Lay on back, lift straight legs to 45 degree angle, then bring back to ground)

    30 seconds of bicycles (Lay on ground, and mimick a bicycle pedal motion w/ your legs)

    10 side crunchers each side

    10 regular crunchers

    30 seconds of flutter kicks (Lay on back, keep both legs straight. Lift them up bairly, now alternate between raising each leg a little bit and brining it back down. This one is tought at first, but after a week it will be easy. Try to think of being a swimmer while doing this one)

    10 kick ups (Lay down, bring knees up toward chest, then kick legs upward to become straight in the air.)

    10 side double leg lifts (Hard to explain, basically lay on side, and lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can. Will feel weird at first)

    10 Forward Rows (Way too hard to explain, google it)

    10 Russian Twists (Google it)

    10 Scissor Kicks (Lay on back, spread leags apart in air, bring them back to center with one leg above the other, then alternate to mimick a scissor kicking action)

    Finish with a bridge for however long you think you can do it.

    Once this routine becomes easy, don't up the reps, just do the whole routine twice. (Left a few out for explanation's sake)

    Then also do your run at night. Cut excessive fat out of your diet, but you can have a little still.

    Do it and you will have some abs.

  3. i had cheer camp for about a month--every single day of the week (excluding weekends). basically, all the ab workout we did was 20-50 crunches a day and i dont know what its called, but its like leg lifts, but you have to pump your arms and keep them pumping for about a minute.. i saw results within the second week. if you faster results, extend that time limit from the leg lift pumps into whatever you are capable of...

    on the side, try to get rid of excessive body fat by running.. hope i helped!

  4. one good way that works is surgery, happy to be of help :)

  5. In order to get the six pack abs you desire you need to reduce your body fat. This cannot be done by exercise alone, you also need to watch what you eat. In fact, I would say that it's far more important to adhere to a good diet than to exercise your abs, because you will only see those six pack abs when you lose that stubborn layer of flab which sticks to your belly.

    Here are 4 nutritional tips which can get you on the fast track to those six pack abs

  6. two weeks is no where near enough time if you want to get a proper six pack, in order to get my six pack i serioulsy reduced my fat intake and took up cardio, i go to the gym 6 times a week and perform mainly resistance training mixed with cardio.

    in order to get a six pack you have to cut your fat intake dramatically and perform the correct ab exercises. with abs its 70% diet and 30% exercise.

    with the exercise i do my abs 2 times a week, four exercises with 4 sets and about 8 reps per set, all this about doing loads of sit ups and stuff is rubbish, your abs are made out of fast twitch muscle fibres which means they respond best to quick bursts of exercise not long i.e. do fewer reps.

    so basically:- Low fat Foods, Exercise but 8 -10 Reps maximums so you feel the burn

    however getting abs in 2 weeks in near on impossible

  7. i suggest you buy the ab rocket

  8. Hey

    You should check out this new site.  It has Fitness Articles.  Maybe you can find what you are looking for.

  9. you might need some more time

  10. Impossible it took me a little while and im a male

    I doesnt hurt to try.

    do leg lifts with 10 pound weights on each leg

  11. im in quite the same situaion as you, if not perfectly the same.

    Ive found eating protein foods, such as fish, eggs, and meat daily in all of your meals helps alot to gain the muscle you require.

    -Cut out the S****y chocolate and sweets in your diet, no matter how much you want them

    -A six pack is basically the muscles under a layer of fat on your stomach, so reducing this fat makes them stand out more

    -Running is a amazing way to burn calories, and rid your body's % of fat

    -Sit-ups, do an insane amount, you want to do so many that you ache. And when you ache, you know you've done well.

  12. fast

    do crunches

    midriff stretches

    protein drinks (in supermarkets) that body builders use

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