
What can i do to go into labor?

by Guest32302  |  earlier

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Im 37 weeks pregnant..and im very very uncomfortable..ive had preterm contractions on and off since june..and im just ready to have him.




  1. Walk... a lot!... At least that will help to open you up more and perhaps give you a shorter labor. Also, squat too. I squatted a lot around the house to pick up items and that helped me go into labor... and s*x could help you out too..  

  2. first of all congratulations.  but movement, whether it be walking, squatting, or what it might be will promote that movement

  3. In my opinion don't try to induce your labor.  What can help you though is to walk.  It will help.  I did that through my whole pregnancy.  You should not try to induce your labor unless you are 40 weeks pregnant.  You can try to lay on your right side and put a pillow between your legs.  You can also get a massage from a family member it can help with how uncomfortable you are.  A warm pack works to.  Good luck.

  4. Don't you think... just an itty bitty bit, that this is something you should discuss with your doctor?

    You're ready, but your baby isn't.  He'll come along when he is fully developed and ready.

  5. walk, do squats

  6. Just b/c you're ready doesn't mean he is.  Sorry, but it is best to wait until you are full-term.

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