
What can i do to have more energy? I'm always so tired all the time, most night i only get about 6 hrs sleep.?

by  |  earlier

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Is there anything i can do or take to boost my energy i'm miserable.




  1. Watch your sugar intake.

    Take multi-vitamins.

    Do some sort of exercise (not to lose weight but keep blood flowing).

    Eat more veggies than starches.

    Definitely go to the doc to see if you are anemic (low iron).  If so, they will put you on iron pills.

    It also depends on your age --- the older you get the lower your energy levels.

    Birth control pills will affect your energy levels too.

    Just get a full blood workup at the doc to make sure it is not a medical condition.  If everything checks out, then it's about eating right and exercise.

    Lastly -- are you stressed?  Stress is a serious energy sponge.

  2. 1   try to sleep more if you can.

    2   If not, and you need a quick fix have some coffee/red bull or something with a lot of sugar in it. (these don't solve the problem but will wake you up for a bit)

    3   Cut out any unnecessary stress

    4   Set aside time at night or in the middle of the day to relax

    Hope this helps!  

  3. first of all  i need to know how old you are your ht  wt and age  but sence i don't know i will tell you what i am   i am a +67 yr old male 5'8'' wt 247lb 5r's ago i wt 180lb for some reason in 8mo's i gained  70 lb  and it has been very hard to lose i know ,  well i had no energy what so ever

    i slept only 6 hr's also tired i  i could't walk more than 2 house's so one day i decide to start on a tread mill walking the first time i couldn't walk but 5 min and that is all i could do at that time so every day i walk what ever i could  now i am up to 13 hr's a mo and walking  112mi a mo  i have so much energy now i feel better  and the first mo i lost 13 lb's  you can to do it  just start  small and work up  mr larry or k L  

  4. Get eight hours of sleep. Take a B-100 vitamin every day.  Don't smoke or drink. Get daily exercise, even just walking for 20-30 minutes a day.  Drink a lot of water.  Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.  Give up junk food. Cut way back on your consumption of red meat.

    Do this for one month.  

    If you are still fatigued, go to your doctor for an examination to ascertain if there is some medical cause of your energy loss.

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