
What can i do to help her?

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My best friend is convinced that she needs to lose weight. Her family tells her she is fat (which honestly she is NOT fat she is normal but her family is all stick thin). My friend is barely eating any food she only drinks water/vitamin water.

I told her the right way to lose weight is to eat healthy and excersise but she doesn't listen. What can i do to help her see that the way she is dieting is unsafe?




  1. show the answers that people gave u for this question. c should believe it. eating nothing is not a good way to loose weight. c should eat n exercise to loose her weight

  2. let her figure it out on her own

  3. Vitamin water I heard has a lot of calories, lol

    So 1st tell her to NOT drink vitamin water!

    2nd I was on a diet as well. I hardly ate anything.

    It looked disgusting.

    I am not overweight or obese.

    My face looked so thin and it didn't look good at all.

    The only way is to have a healthy diet!

    To eat breakfast, lunch & dinner.

    & to eat fruits & vegetables.

    She should also eat some sugar. My grandmother taught nutrition and she told me its important to eat ice cream or anything else that has sugar like candy!

    Her family is wrong for telling her to diet.

    She is still in school and she shouldn't we worrying about this.

    She should worry about her grades and getting a great education.

    She is still growing and going through puberty.

    Best of wishes.

    Jonas Obsessed!  

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