
What can i do to help my canon camera powershot sd750 after water damage?

by  |  earlier

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i went rafting with a group of people and i had placed my camera into a ziploc bag and then into a case and then into a f***y-pack. it was doing pretty good the whole trip but then after we took a short break i forgot to put the f***y-pack back on. after about 5 minutes or more i remembered i forgot to put the f***y-pack back on and i found water soaking my camera. i immediately took the camera out and did a very stupid thing. i tried turning it on but no luck. and i couldnt take the battery or memory card out either. but after a few hours after rafting, i finally got back to the place where i stayed at and i took the battery and memory card out of the camera. i had tried drying the camera previously with a towel. its been a day and the camera is still dead. can someone please give me any kind of advice?? thanks so much.




  1. the only thing you can do is to try and let it dry out for a week or so, remove the battery and memory card and such, open the plug covers, and let it sit. if you're lucky the battery drained it's self out before you tried to turn it on... if after a week or so of sitting on a window sill to dry out it won't work a repair shop, or a new one are you're only options...

  2. I hate to say it, but it POSSIBLY could have been ok if you had not tried to turn it on.  

    That's what usually causes most wet electronics' failures..  We all know water and electricity don't mix, right? if you try to turn a camera ( or cell phone) on, the current from the battery mixed w/ the water zaps everything in it.  

    If you have a warranty on it, call a certified place that fixes your camera, hopefully w/ a free estimate.  

    Good luck!

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