
What can i do to help my dad with his foot problems?

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See, my dad dropped this heavy piece of metal on his foot a couple of WEEKS ago, and it still hurts him. i need some at home remedies to cure it for him or stuff i can buy at a nearby grocery store, please! He dropped a metal in one foot and he has a gout in the other! please please help. And we can't see the doctor because its gonna take 3-5 months just to see one.





    Consult a Good Homoeopathic Doctor.

    The benefits are in the fact that you can continue other systems also along with homoeopathy.

    Proper potency like (30, 200,1000) is very important for healing. So, consult a good homoeopath who needs to diagnose properly before beginning suitable treatment.

    There are good medicines that can heal an injury from inside out. The following are discussed to BUILD YOUR FAITH and benefit from it.


    Caulophyllum: is a very effective treatment for the gout affecting the small joints of the hands and feet. The pain radiates from the back into both the legs or just one leg.

    Colchicum: Rheumatic pains develop in the hands, feet, arms and the legs affecting mostly the joints. The rheumatic pains are fleeting in nature and become worse at night. The typical gout involves the big toe and the surrounding soft tissue. The overlying skin becomes wet, markedly swollen, shiny and hypersensitive to touch, even the touch of cloth over it.

    Ledum: The swelling of Ledum originates from the joints of the feet, like the onset of gout. Gout has its own specific nature and is easily diagnosed, i.e. relief of discomfort in the cold or by pouring cold water over the affected area, while the discomfort increases in the hot weather. This kind of pain in the foot also gets better with Ledum very quickly. All conditions related to Ledum will be relieved on cold applications.

    Berberis Vulgaris, the joint pains resemble gout in that they affect the small joints of the hands and the feet much more, as compared to the joint pains involving the big joints (in Rheumatism).

    The gouty pains of Berberis become worse on movement. The patient walks very slowly and guardedly. The symptoms take time to disappear.


    Arnica in proper potency and in combination with Belladonna and/or Aconite is the best remedy for physical trauma like accidents and blunt injuries, causing the injured part to turn blue or black due to the accumulation of clotted blood. Arnica is the best remedy when the joints get twisted and sprained badly during a fall or an accident.

    Bryonia is effective for the deep muscular injuries and is also a muscle tonic.

    Residual pain prove to be of much greater advantage by Ruta and Bellis.

    Bellis Perennis offers the best treatment for sprains of the ankle, muscle pains and collection of blood in the soft tissues resulting from a blunt injury. Although, it is not used as often as Arnica and Ruta, it is very important in the treatment of such conditions.

    Bellis is the best remedy for the physical fatigue and aching muscles of hard-working farmers and labourers. Bellis also benefits joints which tend to fail as a result of long, strenuous use. Bellis is very useful in the treatment of injury to the backbone and inflammation of the nerves.

    In the case of an injury, the blood is rushed to the affected part for which doctors usually prescribe cold packs. Belladonna is more effective than cold packs and also fast acting.

    Ledum has the capability of curing tetanus resulting, even after many years, from wounds inflicted with sharp weapons. Ledum is also very useful in the treatment of injuries penetrating through the surface linings of the bone (periosteum) and tetanus.

    Hypericum is much more effective for the associated damage to the nerve fibres around the bone.

    Consult a homoeopath for proper diagnosis and treatment.

  2. You should soak his bare feet in hot water... also you should try to make him keep his feet elevated. make sure he does not put socks on. he needs to say barefoot so air can get to it. if u go any where you should make him wear sandals. use nike slides. i dropped metal on my foot too and i stayed barefoot and it worked in like 1 week.  

  3. maybe you can try to convince him to go to the emergency room just make a reservation and hurry!

  4. Tell him to contact foot solutions. Visit the website and find the location closest to you.

  5. 3-5 months?  go to an emergency room at the hospital.  It might take 3-5 hours, but at least he'll be seen!!!!!!/

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