
What can i do to help my dog to stop sneezing so much?

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My maltese dog who is a year and 1/2 old. just started sneezing...a lot. I feel sorry for her and I don't know what to do to help. Her nose is also starting to run. She seems fine though, she is happy as all get out and eats and still wants to play. Just seeing her get to sneezing makes me feel helpless.




  1. its sounds like allergies  maybe you can find some home remedy on the internet  if not see a vet  

  2. She may have a respiratory infection, but my hunch is that she has a fox tail or similar way up inside the nose. Either way, get her checked right away at the vets because both are dangerous. If something is up her nose that will lead to an infection.

  3. allergies are really bad this year for pets! Ask your vet for a benadryl or chlortabs dosage, that should def help! :)

  4. It could be allergies. Take her to the vet, maybe s/he has an idea.

    Have you introduced a new plant, item, etc to her environment? A trivial or drastic change in surroundings could trigger the sneezes.

  5. Try benadryl. It will make her sleepy so dont get worried about that. This happened to my dog and I spent the $200 for the vet and they gave me benadryl. same as humans take. you can find online what the right dose is for the weight of your dog! Alot of animal meds are the same as humans. Just never never give tylenol. it will kill her!

  6. First, it may be allergies.  That said, dogs almost always respond to allergens with skin reactions (hair loss, itching, hives or redness, dry skin, etc.).  Dogs almost never respond to allergies by sneezing, especially repeatedly.

    Second, the VAST MAJORITY of times when a dog sneezes, it really means "I'm loving life, I'm really happy, it doesn't get any better than this!"  So evaluate the situation--if your dog is happy and sneezes, than it isn't allergies.  It's just her way of saying "more, more!"

    Third, if it isn't sneezing out of pleasure, than the most likely cause of repeated sneezes would be a canine viral infection.  In which case Benadryl or other remedies being pushed here would do absolutely no good.

    Dogs aren't humans.  Just because we sneeze because of ragweed or some other allergy doesn't mean dogs react the same way.  If it's an allergy, it is almost always manifested through the skin, not via a sneeze.  If it's an allergy or irritant that produces a sneeze, it's almost always temporary (ie: grass or some other irritant upon the nose).

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