
What can i do to help my friend?

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okay, i wasn't there, but i was at soccer match and i came back to school at the end of the day and i saw my friend absolutely sprint off the school grounds crying. and she's not one to cry. so, i asked her what happened and she said this girl (who we will call girl 1) this girl 1 had been bugging me and my friend for the past few days. it started as a bit of fun, but today when i wasn't here, there was swearing and kicking. my friend told me in tears that girl 1 had come up to her, started bugging her and had kicked her. my friend retaliated, kicked her back, and the girl tripped but not hard. so then,everybody in the class had been saying '1, you just tripped don't blame taylah (my friend)' so then after school (before i found taylah crying) girl 1 came up to taylah, swearing at her and just plain peeing her off, so the, girl one kicked taylah! for no reason! just because taylah had reacted when she was kicked earlier! so then i found taylah and then we went back into the school grounds because i had to get some stuff. taylah had been crying heaps, and two teachers saw us separately and both asked and stuff and they r both gonna tall our teacher so what can i say to defend my friend, because i don't want her to get into trouble and i know that this stuff has really been happening and i don't want to lie but please help!




  1. The simplest thing to do is simply and calmly explain what has been going on. Don't let anyone get worked up and certainly don't tell lies. The best thing is to tell the story from your point of honest view. Explain to the teacher why you think "girl 1" is at fault and hopefully she can get some help.

  2. ??? what??

  3. told parents or teacher!

  4. She has done nothing wrong. Don't be worried for her. It sounds like 'girl 1' has brag it on herself. If you are worried about what the teacher will say dont. If she understands what she has done then that is all that there is to it. tell the truth and reconise what you have done wrong.  

  5. lol

  6. tell the teachers the absolute truth, like that the girl 1 kicked first then tripped then kicked again because she tripped do the puppy face and fake cry and they will be on your side for sure,  

  7. Just say that Girl 1 has been provoking your friend for a long time and that your friend was feeling very intimidated and scared as there was lots of people ganging up on her. Also, when something has happened to me at school, I go to one of my teachers who trusts me and actually likes me and explain the situation to them, that way perhaps your teacher might like to get you out of trouble. I hope it all works out for you.

  8. Tell the truth, dont lie.

    If your friend didnt do anything except defend herself, then its not her fault. And if girl 1 has been bothering you and your friend for awile tell them that too. If girl 1 kicked her first then thats self defense to kick her back, and i dont blame your friend for doing it either.

  9. Just tell the truth.. thats all you have to do.. if your friend retaliated and kicked the other girl back she may get into trouble, even though she may have been defending herself.. but the other girl will be punished too.  

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