
What can i do to help my male cockatiel sing more. he has a very limited number of sounds?

by  |  earlier

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i've had him about a month and the people i got him from wanted to get rid of him because he was noisy but in the past my cockatiels were much noisier, i don't think he ever got much stimulation. i whistle around him and play music and i've heard him practicing the wolf whistle when i wasn't around.should i take out his mirror? he was very attached to a tiny little mirror on a toy but i broke it trying to clean it, he was very agitated until i got him a new one and he loves it .could i take it out for parts of the time and then put it back or would this cause to much stress? he has a young cockatiel in the cage with him now but ignores her unless she gets near his mirror.




  1. Maybe give him some inspiration!  No, just kidding.

    But if he is your only bird, he may not be singing because birds in groups of more than 1 tend to be more boisterous because of the whole flock-complex.  Try getting him a CD With talking/singing birds to encourage him to "sing up."

  2. He has bonded to his mirror just like he would to another bird.  If you take it from him do it gradually and than he will eventually bond with you, unless there is another bird in the cage than he will bond to the other bird.

    Just keep talking to him and whistling, repeat over and over one tune at a time so you don't confuse him.  

  3. umm i don't u can teach the bird how to sing n stuff cuz he might be a little too old

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