
What can i do to help the community?

by  |  earlier

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any thing, i realy want to help anyone




  1. Habitat for Humanity

    help your friends and family

    go to an orphanage and spend time with the kids, teach them something

    help elderly people with shopping

  2. teach someone to read and write

  3. volunteer somewhere u love to help

  4. Volunteer at your local Public Library or Senior Center.  They always need help.

  5. Look around you. Where is help needed in your community? What charitable organizations are there? What are churches doing to help others? Join something worthwhile and become a contributing member. You will not only be of service to your community, you will do wonders for your social life.

  6. Find a Relay For Life event coming up and get involved, we have one here and I am doing that this year. Or you can offer to do something nice for an elderly person. Sometimes just walking around and giving people a smile makes their day. Hold the door for someone. Volunteer at an animal shelter.

  7. Large or small, most communities have food shelters or pantries that are in dire need of both supplies and assistance.  That is one place - helping meet the basic needs of someone - where you can really accomplish something great!  Most churches also have a number of their members who are 'shut-ins' - opportunity abounds there!  Helping with household chores is great, but even something as simple as a visit can really make a difference in their lives!

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