
What can i do to improve our blood donation center?!?

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iam working in new blood donation center and i want to make it better for donation, but how!!!!!!




  1. Improve the center how? Make it cleaner? Make it easier for people to find? Better known? Utilized more? More comfortable for blood donors?

  2. Go to a red cross center so you can donate your blood. It is good to give a bit of your blood to those who really need it.

  3. Set up drawings at your center. Go to local businesses and ask for donated items that can be prizes. Hotels will give free nights stays, restaurants will give free dinners, hair salons may give discounts on products or services. Then set a date for the drawings to happen. When people donate blood, put their name in a drawing. You could do a refer-a-friend. Where if they get a friend to donate blood, they get their name in the drawing again.

    Make sure to announce the drawing too. Ask businesses to post signs on their corkboard. So people know about it. Plus it helps get the word out about your donation center.

  4. Offer really good treats, and get the local Girl and Boy Scouts or Youth centers to help out.

  5. put big comfy couches in. after donating blood, it's nice to have a comfy place to rest. also offer yummy snacks and plenty of things to drink.

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