
What can i do to increase my toddler's appetite?

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my son is 2 years and 7 months. i have a very big problem on how to increase his appetite for good food.




  1. I would recommend making him sit and eat so there are no distractions. If you only offer "good food" that is what he will have to eat. Include healthy snacks like fruit or vege sticks and make him sit and eat without distraction. Kids will always find something else more important than food so turn the tv off. When it is time to eat it's quiet time.

  2. The most success I had with this issue was when I withheld drinks.  Toddlers will fill up on juice, milk, even water if you let them.  Hold that drink hostage for one sip every three bites or something like that.  Then when they tell you they are full, let them drink plenty.  I have also had success with letting them help prepare the food.  I've had a two year old eat an entire half of a canteloupe because I sat him on the counter and let him scoop out the seeds with me and then gave him a spoon and showed him how to carve out little pieces.  It was an adventure for him.  I also let them pick out some kids frozen meals at the store and let them choose which one they want cooked.  They tend to eat better if they feel they have some control over what it is.  Good luck.

  3. make snacks fun, example:

    build ants on a log with celery, peanut butter and raisins.

    if you each make one to eat, maybe he'll eat it.

    pancakes with ears? try adding sliced/mashed bananas in it. since it will look a bit like mickey mouse, it may be fun eating.

    seems if kids take a bit of ownership, they'll be excited to eat.

  4. only hand him good food ..toddlers like to eat on the run ..slice up veggies crackers peanut butter and let him run

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