
What can i do to increase the size of my b*****s:?

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i have very small b*****s.m 21 yrs old.

can anyone tell me how shud i increase the size of my breats.i am having sudol body toner capsules.does anyone know if they r gud nd safe

nd what else can be done.(plz dont give vulgar answers)




  1. Implants!

  2. Did you try the exercises given in natural breast enhancement (ebook) which emphasises to do regular 20 minutes exercises & give 3 months money back gurantee. Address is--http://hoagrawal.snowy01.hop.clickbank.n...

    You may find various other products for women issues in women health section at one of the website given in resource--

  3. I do'nt know whether my answer is vulgar or not , but ground reality is - b*****s are s*x organs and they increase the s*x appeal of females and hence males are atracted.The size of breast is  indication of good sexual health and it all depends on your s*x hormone i.e. Oestrogen and progestron.These hormonal level reach to normal level depending upon stimuli a woman gets from thought,diet ,genetic ,emotional and enviornmental sensations . To get inhancement in size of breast a women has to be active sexually ,romantically ,take intrest in boys ,take high proein diet ,do exercise including sensetional stimulus by opposit s*x to boost your hormonal levels for  alround development of  perfect womanhood. Now You descide my answer is vulgar or scientific.  

  4. Massage is best way.. if it shall done by a Guy with solid hands

  5. go 4 any breast enlargement cream

  6. breast massage!!!

  7. very simple there will be some one who will have smaller b*****s than you, always think of her and u will realize u have at least bigger than ...

    but if you are a male and feeling that the b*****s of your g'friend are not as bigger as u want, then very simple change your g'friend......

    but always remember she will have also an option to change her b'friend in case she felt you have a shorter >> than she expected.

  8. If you have a boy friend,ask him to do massage of your b***s.

  9. see dont get embarrased with your sizes, it is what god has gifted you.

    sudo body toner is not that effective as you think, these things work mentally only, physically you wont feel a increase in it,  secondly if you are using sudol oil also it is also not that effective.  

    breast implants are not permanent, they may leave you uncomfortable afterwords.  there is no such kind of home remedi which can help you too.

    for your conveneice i will suggest you to stop using sudol capsules as they may cause you some menses problems,  secondly start using coconut oil for massaging your b*****s for atleast fifteen minutes before you go to bed.  for method you may take upward strokes.  if you are a non veg'rian then arrange some pork fats and get oil extracted from them, pour some kewada in it and use it for massage.  you will feel a difference in size in few months.

    other than this add a dose of 100gm of fresh paneer in your daily breakfast, eat it kachcha only dont do anything to it, if it feels you heavy after eating it, place it near fire in kitchen for few min in such a way that all its water get drained out.

    also go for at least two glasses of buffalo milk, preferably fresh, if available near your home, it is a very good sourse of fat, doing regular massage and having this diet will improve your size definitely.

    as far as vulgar side of the anser is there, i have also said this to an member in yahoo answers before that some boys lure girls to have their s***n daily as it is a good dose to increase breast size, avoid it and dont even think about it.

    bye tc  

  10. Hi,

    You r can increase the size of your breast .To make your b***s bigger . You can try natural breast enlargment methods . Details are as under

    Breast massage as a method of natural breast enlargement and breast health has actually been used for years as a means of stimulating healthy breast growth and promoting breast tone, pliability and firmness.

    Here are some guidelines for breast massage you may want to follow:

    1.) Use a olive oil or any other oil of your choice to help prevent friction and increase the enjoyment and relaxation of the massage for a more pleasurable and therapeutic experience. This can be an herbal mixture .

    2.) Light to moderate massaging using a gentle back and forth gentle “swishing” action is best. This can be in a counterclockwise circle around the breast to help promote maximum lymphatic drainage.

    3.) To gain maximum benefit and therapeutic effects, breast massage should be practiced daily, as part of a routine - perhaps when fresh out of the shower, since the skin is still somewhat moist and the room may still be steamy, for a smoother massage which may be more easily lubricated since there will still be moisture in the air. If you prefer, even several times a day can be a great benefit. It depends on what fits into your schedule. A few minutes at a time should suffice.


    Enjoy Life

  11. I don't know if this qualifies as 'vulgar', but truthfully, the only thing you can do to naturally increase the size of your b*****s (i.e; without surgery) is to gain weight.

    NO supplements work. The only drug that increases breast size is the birth control pill, and that is only temporary (while you're taking them). You CAN make your b*****s appear bigger by doing exercises that bulk up your pectoral muscles (part of which lie behind your b*****s).

    Some women find pregnancy permanently increases their breast size, although others find their b*****s deflate after pregnancy.

    Good luck, and sorry! Check out the ref I've provided.

  12. Wts the size of ur Breast?

    dont worry u will get large b*****s once u are pregnant.

  13. Don't go for transplants and pills and all those stuff ... Get it naturally

    work out with some good exercise for chest region. U can consult any lady physical trainer / gym instructor.

  14. work out and get biseps

  15. iam suggested you  eat prtainable food and non vage food so imprrove body as well as your b*****s.

  16. get breast implants

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