
What can i do to keep a room cool? already have 2 fans spining around, and curtins over the windw?

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what else can be done. it always gets up to 88 degrees in the room, though the fans are both on, its dark.




  1. Fans don't cool the room AC does. Fans just make it FEEL cooler. Leaving fans on when you aren't in the room just wastes electricity.

  2. Incandescent or fluorescent light bulb change may help.  You can also purchase an inexpensive  air conditioner.  Keep it dark just as you are doing, light=heat.  Also if you have tried many things.  The location may need Corning's insulation(or any insulation)  to give you the best protection from the sun to the surface of your home

  3. You need to pay attention to the temp. Whenever its warmer outside pull air in. You best bet is if you have two windows/openings. One lets air in, the other out.

    Also, if the room has electronics, turn them off when not in use.

  4. try putting a large bowl  of ice  in front  of  the fans  to cool  the air..

  5. If you just want one room to stay cool, block the room off from others with an old bed sheet-as a door. If not, limit your electronic use-electronics produce heat you may not notice, but will activate the air. If that doesn't work or is not a factor, check your fans for dust or dirt-dirt causes the fans to not be able to produce enough air-perhaps you may need to clean every 2-3 days.

  6. when you go to sleep, stck one leg out the covers and you'll be cool! lol

  7. Get some ice put it in the floor and let it soak,also you got to stop moving because your body is getting to much energy!

  8. change your light bulbs.. light bulbs REALLY heat up a room.. go to a store and ask for bulbs that don't emit alot of heat.

    Open the window (if you have one) every once in a while.. your body heat, the heat from your computer, or even a stereo emits alot of heat that stays in the room..

    get rid of dark colours in your room.. they store heat.. for example, paint the walls beige or white, or any light colour..  etc..

    other than that.. just keep the sun out I guess

  9. put the shiny side of tin foil on the windows so its facing outside. that way the heat will be blocked. another idea is costly shades that reflect heat. curtains don't do c**p, they absorb the heat. and the fans just move it around.

  10. my sister just bought a display model air conditioner thing(looks like a big square box fan. it only cost $180.00  it has a long tube that brings air in from outside then filters it through ice i believe. it works so so good. or just try putting bowls of ice in front of fans.

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